Recap Story

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Once upon a time, there were two hybrids by the name of Squid and Lee. They had been traveling the world together at a young age, both of them having no family to call their own. They grew inseparable, even declaring each other brothers. But one day when they were walking through a peaceful meadow they heard something, the shrill cries of a baby. But why would a baby be out here? They followed the cries which led them to a lone tree standing in the fields. There was a basket, a basket that was hanging by a rope tied to one of the tree's branches. The basket swayed gently as the two young boys stood there perplexed, after a bit they hurried and gently brought the basket down to the ground. It was a baby, a very small baby. The baby had cream flushed skin, little freckles splattered across his face, and bright yellow cat ears poking out of his head. The boys were confused, who would just leave their baby out here? Did they abandon it? What do they do? But all thoughts fell apart once the infant finally stopped crying. Big beautiful, and innocent green eyes stared back at them, the baby now bursting to life with squeals and giggles. At that moment the two brothers had become three, nothing could ever tear them apart.

Years later, the three brothers Lee, Squid, and now named Stampy had finally found a place to call their home. They built a small home for the three of them to live in, they farmed and played, and everything was good. But one day another hybrid came along, her name was Amy. She was tired and hungry and looked like she hadn't seen water in days. Quick on their feet, they were able to help their new friend, pretty soon she even had a house of her own near the three. It didn't take long for another tired hybrid to come along, and another, and another, and another, pretty soon they had enough friends to fill an entire neighborhood. That got the youngest of the three brothers, Stampy, thinking, that in this world, there were a lot of people suffering and alone. So he decided to turn their new home into a village, a place where people could be themselves and happy. With that, everyone got to work helping to make this new paradise, and when it was finished its residents declared Stampy their new leader. Since then the little oasis of love and friendship continues to thrive, even to this day.

But things don't just stop there. One day a group of strange visitors from another world a lot different than theirs fell from the sky, even accidentally landing on Stampy Cat himself. They quickly befriended the cat and were told that he would help them get back to their world. But one of the visitors, filled with hatred, teamed up with a wicked being known as Hit The Target. A despicable force of evil that had tried to take over the peaceful village for years, so they made a deal to trick the other visitors and the village. But they weren't accounting for one of the other-worldly visitors and Stampy to fall in love, this man's name was Dan. When the evildoers managed to capture the village hybrids and visitors, it is revealed that not only did the hateful visitor was madly in love with Dan, but Hit The Target too was obsessively in love with Stampy. The hateful visitor named Cassie had been vanquished by the village's only human resident Finnball, and unfortunately in a brave attempt to save Dan's life, Stampy sacrificed his life by taking a sword to the gut. But luckily for everyone Stampy lived and Dan and his friends decided to stay in this world and live happily ever after.

Now that would be a nice ending for the story, but nope, still doesn't end there. After five years of bliss and no more attacks from the evil Hit The Target, Dan plans to finally propose to Stampy and have him as his wife. But of course, things never go as planned for these poor lovers and a new evil magically blasts them all back into Dan's world. Separated from each other, they work to try and find a way back home, meeting new friends and old friends along the way. Stampy meets a police officer named Patrick, who at first mistakes him for a teenager and soon adopts him as his son. Once finally reunited things take a turn for the worst when Stampy is greeted by his boyfriend Dan, who appeared to be making out with a woman at a bar. Only Dan wasn't making out with her, the lady had been paid by an unknown to force her disgusting lips on his. Heartbroken, Stampy leaves with Patrick and his brothers, only for the new evildoer from before to come crashing into their car and kidnapping them. When Stampy wakes up he finds himself in a big luxurious company building, soon greeted by none other than Hit The Target himself who had disappeared from their world years ago. Hit The Target or as he calls himself 'Hunter' tricks Stampy into believing he's changed and has turned over a new leaf of good, all of this so he can get Stampy to finally love him back. After things go south, Hunter quickly turns to Plan B and drugs Stampy with a love poison, and after things almost blow up in his face once again he drugs him. Which completely takes away all of Stampy's free will and thoughts, soon Hunter and Stampy are at their wedding only a day later. The wedding is crashed by Dan and their friends who had defeated the new evildoer who had turned out to be Cassie. Stampy breaks free of the love poison and absolutely rocks Hunter's shit, and Dan finally proposes to Stampy. Once back in their world they throw the biggest wedding the village has ever seen, and everyone can finally live Happily. Ever. After.

Well, they do, for now...

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