Mystery Man

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{Stampy's POV}

I feel my eyes slowly peel open, tiredly trying to blink the sleep from my eyes. I yawn, slowly maneuvering to sit up, only I come to realize I can't sit up. I was being held down by something, looking down I see I was wrapped in the arms of my husband, Dan. I felt my cheeks grow red at this, we've been married for just over a year now and I still get flustered when he's like this. I can't help it, he's just too cute!

"Dan, Sweetie, it's time to get up." I giggled as I nudged him a bit, trying to wake him up.

"Mmmm no, sleep forever." He grumbled, pulling me closer, pushing his face into my hair.

"Honey, we have stuff we need to do, can't stay in bed all day."

"Whhhhhyyyyyy, the bed is comfy."

"I know it is, but we can't stay here forever, now get up."  I chuckled, as I gave him a small peck on the forehead before getting up off the bed.

I walk over towards my closet, opening up Dan's closet for him as I walk past. Opening up my closet, I look around for what I should wear today. I thought about going with my classic hoodie, but then my eyes caught the short orange and white sweater hanging next to it. You know what, I'll shake it up a little.

Taking the sweater, I open up one of my drawers, pulling out a pair of jeans and a white shirt. I hurry to the bathroom where I get ready, brush my teeth, deodorant, wash my face, brush my hair, you know the usual.

"What do you want for breakfast, Dan?" I call out to Dan as I was brushing a knot out of my tail fur.

"I'm fine with anything babe, too tired to think," he replied with a yawn.

"Ok, but maybe you should try and go to bed earlier," I said as I walk back into the bedroom, watching Dan trying to choose between two shirts.

"Which is better? Black or navy?" He asked, holding up each shirt.

"What are you planning on wearing with them?"

"My dark blue jacket? The one with the light blue line thingies?" He said, gesturing to his jacket, laid out on the bed.

"Black, navy is too matchy-matchy." I reach up and give him a quick kiss, and walk out to make breakfast.

As I walk into the kitchen, I'm greeted by my dad and brothers chatting amongst themselves, each carrying a mug of coffee. "Good Morning."

"Morning Stamps, Dan still asleep?" Dad asked with a smile, taking a sip of his coffee.

"He's still getting ready, you guys want anything for breakfast? Or did you already eat?" I looked around in the fridge, grabbing the eggs and bacon.

"Sure, I could eat, whatcha making?" Lee asked, pouring himself some more coffee.

"looks like I need to get some more stuff for the fridge, we're almost out of everything. But I've got enough for scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. That sounds good to you guys?" I looked back at them as I picked up a pan, placing it on the stove.

"I'll eat just about anything, but yeah sounds great, fill my belly chef cat!" Squid exclaimed, spinning around in the spinny stool next to the table.

"As you wish Squiddy." I chuckled, starting to cook breakfast.

After a while, Dan finally came in and was promptly handed his cup of coffee by me. I knew just the way he liked it, vanilla, a hint of sugar, and just a small dash of cinnamon. Sometimes I would add a bit of whipped cream but we were out of it.

"Mmmmm oh sweet coffee, my savior." Dan moaned as he took a long sip of coffee, plopping down on the seat next to Lee.

I giggled at this, finishing up and placing the plated breakfast down in front of everyone. Picking up my plate and ate with my little family.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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