23 (pt. 2) 😍👋🙄

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About an hour later, all seven guests sat together in the living room, waiting for their host to come downstairs. A few minutes later, they all turned towards the staircase as they heard footsteps.

Everyone rushed over to Minho just to tell him how good he looked. Of course, this was normal. Friends have to hype each other up all the time. What shocked them all was when Changbin stood up too, saying to him, "Listen, Minho. It's weird that I'm saying this too, but... from the bottom of my heart, period bitch" He ended the sentence with a smirk on his face, walking away from questions he knew were going to be asked.

"Damn, even Changbin complimented you? That's how you 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 you're hot" Jisung said after everyone had quited down.

"What do you mean? I'm always hot, and I've always known it" Minho flipped his invisible hair, smiling at the younger.

"Mhm sure..." Jisung paused, "Now hold on. Why did you tell all of us to wear black and white- yet you didn't?"

"Isn't it obvious? If we were all wearing the same colors - or if there was no dress code, that would risk one of you looking hotter than me. And I can't let that happen, not on my birthday" Minho explained.

"This is why we're friends. I like the way you think!" Hyunjin joined, offering him a high-five, which was gladly accepted.

"Wait guys- one last tiny detail, you're not the only ones here. I have a few other friends coming over, not sure why they aren't here yet but let's enjoy it while we can" Minho said.

"What do you mean, 'enjoy it while we can'?" Seungmin asked. "Do you not like them? Why'd you invite them in the first place" Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"That because I didnt- my parents invited them. They said I should keep in touch with my old friends before I forget them or something" Minho simply shrugged it off.

"Who are these friends? What are they like?" Jisung asked.

"Uhm- ok so there's my cousin, Jieun, she's actually really cool though. The only sane one among them. Then there's Dahyun, she was in my piano class- worst two years of my life. Lastly, Yuna. Major bad bitch energy, but too much of it honestly. Lastly, Beomgyu. He takes 'love yourself' way too seriously"

"Yay" Jeongin unenthusiastically waved his hands in the air.

"That's okay, including Jieun, who you said is cool, it's nine to three. We'll be fine" Felix shrugged it off. "And if they are as annoying as you say they are, I'll just go hide with Ji or Binnie. Whoever's more willing"

"Don't you think we're being too harsh? We haven't even met them. Maybe they've changed, or aren't as bad as Minho says" Chan quietly added.

Minho just scoffed, "Christopher. My dear, sweet Chris... What type of people would we be without you? You're right. Maybe they have changed... I hope they-"

The sound of a door opening stopped him mid-sentence.

"Hey babe!! Dahyunnie is here~" A young woman in a short black dress with white sleeves walked in, holding her arms in the air by her side. Her expression dropped when she saw the seven boys standing by Minho's side. "I thought you said you were only bringing a few friends? This isn't..." Her words faded away, looking from person to person as if hurt by their presence.

"And problem 1/3 has arrived"  Minho muttered, "I tried to follow Chan's advice but she hasn't changed one bit"
He finished, putting on a fake smile and walking over to the woman.

"Oh gosh, Dahyun! You're... Here!" He flatly said.

"Aww, my min min~ I missed you so much! Why didn't you contact me for so long?" The one now known as Dahyun opened her arms, ready for a hug. Minho hesitated to hug her, but eventually gave in an embraced her for a few seconds before quickly letting go.

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