One: The Idea

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I was not happy today. The feeling of exhaustion was almost overwhelming but I held my head high as my only maid, Calla, entered my room.

"Breakfast, your royalist highness," Calla said, setting my tray on my bedside table. She stood in wait beside my bed for further instructions.

"Thank you. Prepare my outfit?" Calla scurried across the room to the grand closet. "And I've told you a million times, it's Carmen!" I rolled my eyes at her retreating figure.

She was still fairly young but I had become quite attached to her quiet company, great advice, and a shoulder to pour my heart out to. Besides, she was also a fantastic cook and had a sharp eye for fashion. Once, my Mom tried to trade Calla for a "higher up" maid. I, of course, blatantly refused. Calla, though she'd deny it, was my very best friend in the world. I'd met countless other people including other royals who my mother wanted me to befriend, but no one ever stuck; not until her. 

I ate my berries and yogurt quickly, before setting the tray back on the table and getting up to start the day.

As I entered my bathroom, I noticed my reflection in the big silver vanity mirror. I looked horrible. There were bags under my eyes and my whole face looked droopy. I wasn't to blame though, my mother had come in late last night for us to have a very "serious" talk. The Selection had to be the most ridiculous idea my mother had ever had. Just because countless princes and princesses had found their happily ever after's from this "Selection", didn't mean I was going to magically fall in love. As I brushed out my hair and twisted it into a low bun, I tried to let our conversation from last night leave my mind; luckily, Calla was the perfect distraction.

"Carmen, what's the theme for today?" Calla called. I finished clipping up my hair, leaving a few strands loose and crossed the room. 

"We definitely need a put-together sophisticated look for what's coming today," I replied. As I entered the grand closet, I saw the five coordinated outfits she had laid out. I pointed to the knee-length, form-fitting, black, sleeveless dress with the tan, plaid blazer to go over it. "That's the one," I said. "Now what about shoes?"

"Nine inch, black, girl-boss heels?"

"How'd you know?"

"You looked like you were having one of those days." She smiled, "and who knows you better than I do?"

"You're a life-saver, Calla."

"Want to talk about it?" she asked. 

I did. Calla was only a few years older than me, and she also happened to be an excellent listener. Right before I launched into my tale of troubles, I heard a knock come from the door.

"I'll get it princess, and if it's anyone other than your parents, I'll have them running in a hurry," Calla said with a grin. "Then you can tell me what's on your mind."

I nodded gratefully to her and put on my outfit while Calla left and answered the door.

"Carmen, get out here, you should have been ready half an hour ago," Mom called. I rolled my eyes at her from in the closet, where she luckily could not see me. I'm not late at all. She's just sour that I'm not as interested in her outrageous idea as she is. 

"Some time today, Carmen. We have lots to discuss. I'll be waiting in my office." I heard her heels clicking down the hallway as she retreated from my room. 


"I'd better hurry before she gets angry at my slow speed, I'll tell you about it later," I said before following my mom's path to her office.

When I arrived she was already seated on one side of her large desk. To my surprise, my Dad had pulled up a chair next to her and was also sitting in wait. I knew Mom wasn't playing when we had a family meeting like this. How am I going to get out of this now?

"There you are, I was beginning to think you weren't coming," Mom called with a curt tone. I waited for her to go into lecture mode again but Dad interrupted before she could.

"Honey, I know this idea of your mothers is a bit out of the blue, but I'm not getting any younger,.... or any healthier. The doctors said I may only have six months left, you know it's terminal, and I won't get better. Please, I want you to truly consider doing this one last thing for me, and for yourself," Dad said.

My mom wasted no time before jumping back into the conversation. "Carmen, sweetie, you're going to have to marry eventually, it's the law, and it's good to have someone by your side when you inherit the crown. And despite how ready you may think you are, having a partner makes it so much better. The Selection will be a great opportunity for you, and you'll really win the country's hearts over this way; they'll get to see you fall in love."

I suppose there was some sense of truth to her words, but I just didn't know if I was ready for marriage. I was only nineteen, almost twenty, and was going to take the crown as Queen of Illéa in less than six months. None of that scared me as much as having to get married

Mom was still talking when I returned to reality. "Carmen, don't you want your father to be able to meet the man whose only daughter will be married to? Don't you want him to be the one to walk you down the aisle?" Her voice cracked at the end. Behind the strong front she put up, she was just as devastated by my father's fate as I was. 

That was what broke me. Of course Dad should get to be at my wedding and hand me off. Every time I imagined my wedding since I was a little girl, the setting and the people changed, but my parents together were a constant. Mom was right, if I could do one last thing that would make my father happy, I would do it. And who knows? Maybe I'll find love too. "I'll do it," I said determinedly.

My mother smiled at me and threw me into a big hug. "That's my girl, I'm so happy for you! You're going to be so happy soon too, It'll be good for you to finally experience the feeling of falling in love," she gushed.

My father hauled himself to his feet, using the table as support. Then he crossed the room and joined us in a group hug. I felt his breath on my ear as he turned to whisper to me. "Baby girl, no matter what happens I hope you know just how proud I am of you, and I know Illéa will be in good hands with a compassionate, smart woman like you at its head." I felt the tears on my face before I even realized I was crying. I squeezed them both harder into the hug and let the tears fall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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