Chapter five This week

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You were sitting between Hawk and Sam at the lunch table where the Miyagi-do's and Eagle-fang's usually sat.

"Is everyone ready for the All-valley?" Miguel asked. Everyone nodded and 'yeahs' floated around.

"Look, the Miyagi-nerds and the Eagle-losers are ready to lose!" Tori taunted as her and the rest of the Cobra-kai's walked over. "You're going to get beaten so hard you're not going to be able to run crying back to your little mommies and daddies." Chuckles ran through the Cobra-kai's. Sam met your eyes and shook her head. Don't. You turned back to the Cobra-kai's.

"At least we won't cheat our way through." You said.

"What was that?"

"I said at least we won't cheat our way through the all valley!" You repeated. Tori grimaced.

"What are you going to do? Punch me?" I taunted. "Remember what happened last time."

"That wasn't my fault." Tori said. "It was Robby's!"

 "Hey!" Robby said. "You started it!"

"It wasn't my fault Sam kissed Miguel." Tori said and stormed off. The Cobra-kai's followed her. Your eyes met Robby's as he was leaving. He looked away.

"Nice one y/n." Hawk grinned.

"Thanks Hawk." You said.


The all valley was two days away and everyone was nervous. Everyone was training their butts off 24/7. You and Sam trained with Miguel and Johnny every day. Your dad still thought you were training with Miguel and Hawk. He didn't ask any questions.

You were just finishing up a training session with Miguel and Johnny. You steadied the punching bag and rubbed your knuckles. Johnny had made you use the punching bag without boxing gloves.

"You did good today." Johnny said. "All of you." He pointed at you. "Especially you. You're getting the hang of this stuff princess." You nodded and followed Sam and Miguel out.

"Are you guys ready for the all valley?" Miguel asked.

"Kinda." Sam said.

"I'm ready to kick some serious Cobra-kai butt." You replied. Sam and Miguel grinned. "How about you Miguel?"

"I'm nervous but ready." Miguel got into his car. "See you later." He drove off. You got into the passenger seat of Sam's car. Sam got into the car next to you.

"Do you think we'll be able to do this?" Sam said.


"Do you think we'll be able to win?" Sam said. "They won last time."

"We'll do our best." You reassured her. "Now, we better get back before dad gets worried."


He was worried.

"You know you guys should be home before midnight!" Your dad said.

"There was traffic!" You retorted. "What do you expect us to do, speed through traffic?"

"She's right, there was traffic." Sam said. We weren't lying. There was traffic the entire length of the freeway because of some big accident.

"I did here about an accident on the freeway." Your mom said. "The news said it caused traffic all across the freeway." Your dad turned to you and your sister.

"Is that true?" He asked. You both nodded. "Okay. But next time, don't be late!"

"Okay!" Sam said. You followed her up stares. "Good night y/n."

"Good night Sam." 

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