Chapter six Get ready

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The next morning your dad woke you and Sam up early.

"Why are we up so early?" You asked as you followed him downstairs. "School doesn't start for another couple of hours."

"We need to practice!" Your dad said. "The all valley is tomorrow."

"But we don't need to wake up at 2 in the morning." Sam said. Your dad didn't respond and proceed to put some toast in the toaster. You rubbed your eyes and sighed. Today was going to be a long day.


Your dad dropped you and Sam off at school. The training sesion was long and you and Sam were exhausted. Miguel, Hawk, and some of the others meet you outside.

"You guys look exhausted." Miguel pointed out.

"Our dad woke us up early and made us train." Sam said.

"Jeez, he must really want to win the all valley." Hawk said.

"He really does." You said. The bell signaled that it was time for first period. Everyone walked into the school and went their separate ways. You grabbed the stuff you needed for first period and turned to leave but was blocked by a group of people.

"Look who we have here." Tori said. A bunch of Cobra Kai's stood behind her. "You don't have your friends to defend you." Tori said.

"I don't need my friends to defend me." You said. Tori smirked.

"Get her." She ordered. The Cobra Kai's stepped forward and surrounded you. There were a lot of them.

"Hey!" Someone yelled. It was a teacher. "Get to class, now." The Cobra Kai's scattered and you hurried after them.

"Are you okay?" Robby asked you.

"You would know." You said. "You and your little friends were going to beat me up." Robby opened his mouth. "Don't try to defend Cobra Kai. There's nothing to defend about it. Johnny was right to leave." You opened the door to your class and closed it behind you.

"Why are you late Ms. LaRusso?" Your teacher asked.

"I was held up in the hallway." You said, sitting down behind your desk.

The day went by and you didn't have anymore run ins with Cobra Kai. Your dad trained you and the others hard and Johnny trained you, Sam, and Miguel even harder. When you got home after Johnny's training you were exhausted. You were nervous about the all valley. Cobra Kai had won the last three and had a decent chance at winning. You didn't think Myagi-do or Eagle Fang stood a chance.

"Can I talk to you about something Sam?" You asked.

"Sure." Sam said.

"Remember how I said Cobra Kai almost beat me up?" You asked.

"Yeah, our chemistry teacher saved you." Sam said.

"After when I was going to class Robby asked if I was okay." You said.

"Robby?" Sam asked.

"You heard me. Robby asked me if I was okay." You said. "It's really weird."

"Yeah." Sam said. "Why would he do that? Cobra Kai hates us."

"I know." You said.


Today was the all valley. Nerves were high and everyone was training a hard as possible. It was all everyone would talk about at school. It seemed like half the school wa going. You heard stuff like "I'm voting Cobra Kai" and "Cobra Kai's going to win, their the best" and "I feel bad for the other teams. We all know Cobra Kai's going to win".

"I hate this." You complained at lunch. "Everyone says that Cobra Kai's going to win."

"Maybe they will." Hawk said.

"Yeah, they keep beating us." Miguel said.

"We can't be sad about it." Sam said. "We can stop their winning streak."

"But what if we don't?" You asked. "Dad and Johnny have a deal with Silver and Kreese. If we lose, Myagi-do and Eagle Fang go out of business." Sam went silent. You saw Cobra Kai across the cafeteria. They all had high spirits and smiles were etched across their faces. Robby met your eyes and you looked away. You felt his eyes on you from across the room. Like I said earlier, nerves were high. But not with them.


You were in the car driving to the all valley. Sam was looking out the window and in the reflection you could see she was slightly panicking. You took her hand and squeezed it.

"It's going to be okay." You said. Sam looked at you and smiled. She squeezed your hand.


Everyone had finished changing.

"Okay everyone," You dad said. "Even though Cobra Kai has won the past three all valleys doesn't mean we won't win this one."

"But they go more aggressive than us." Someone said. "They don't follow the rules."

"If they don't follow the rules, then we won't." Your dad said.

"But we'll get disqualified." Sam said.

"They'll get disqualified before us if they break the rules." Your dad said. "We got this. We can win."

"But we still have Eagle Fang and the other dojo's to go through." You said.

"Cobra Kai is our primary concern but we need to win as many matches as we can." Your dad said. "We. Can. Win." Then the words came.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present THE 51'ST ALL VALLEY KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP!" 

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