𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓷𝓮 》𝓬𝓸𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓹 𝓬𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓮

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toji's pov.

his emerald green eyes traced the shop around him, it was small and quiet. there were few people within the shop itself, the coffee cups decorated in beautiful pink roses. yet, the coffee shop wasn't what had truly caught his attention, it was the woman running it by herself. given, she was no older than nineteen, but with toji being in his mid 40s, she was young to him.

her coffee brown eyes traced the people she took orders from, their almond shape adding to her beautiful facial features. her lips were plump and sweet looking, almost like he could taste them. her cheeks were pudgy and round, complementing the smile she gave to her own customers. her black, wavy hair framed her face perfectly. her skin, a beautiful caramel colour, and her body beautifully plump. he just wanted to grab her hips and yank her on to his lap so he could fu-

toji shook his head, dismissing those thoughts. he was the leader of a yakuza gang, the fushiguros. he didn't have time to be fucking around with normal people. after all, she could easily fall away just like her. and that's the last thing that toji would ever want.

but toji could swear, this was most definitely love at first sight.

ami's pov.

it had been a while since the man with the scar over his lips came in, nearly two months. yet, ami couldn't seem to get his beautiful jet black hair out of her head. his beautifully built stature that strained against the buttoned up white shirt that he wore that day. the sleeves of that shirt, had been rolled up and revealed his veiny forearms, god, she wanted to take a fucking bite out of him.

ami sighed, she figured that she wouldn't see him again either way, but it was odd. the next day after the mystery man had left, two mention would come in each day at the beginning of shift, and wouldn't leave till she was off the clock. however, they weren't there today. ami didn't think too much about it though. she was more worried about getting home and getting those cake orders that she had received, done.

ami locked up the shop as she left, humming a tune as she headed her normal route home. she got head to turn down the normal alley she does to get home, only to see the regulars she's had for the last two months beating the shit out of someone. ami felt her heartbeat quicken, seeing as this was something definitely gang affiliated. the two regulars looked up to spot ami, their eyes practically zeroing in on her as if she were a mouse and she was there prey. the only thing left to do, was well, run.

ami took off down another route, her legs moving as quickly as they could. she could here the stomps of the men's feet behind her; they were running after her. ami could feel her whole body shake as adrenaline shot through her veins. this was not how she pictured her day going when she woke up. she let out a cry as a hand had snatched her by her shirt, a cloth covering her mouth and nose. she could feel her body relaxing in the man's arms and black reaching up from the corners of her eyes to swallow her entire vision. was this the end for her?

toji's pov.

it had been a slow day for toji, collecting debts and working through gang business. just the usual for the black haired man. that was until, the two men he'd sent to watch the girl he'd become infatuated with, had carried her limp body into his office. he could tell the men had drugged her accordingly, as they explained she had witnessed something she shouldn't have. toji's right hand, gojo, stood there and listened before sighing and dismissing the men.

gojo looked to toji, "what the hell are we supposed to do with her toji?"

toji stared at her, his mind racing. she was here, in front of his eyes and lying before him. the girl that he had fallen for at first sight. the girl that he had run background checks on before sending the two goons that had caught her, to watch her and tell him of every move she made. this was the girl he wanted all to himself.

"we keep her," toji said plainly to gojo.

the white haired male was in shock. he wanted to keep the girl after everything that had happened, especially with the last woman that toji had loved? toji stared at her unconscious body. this girl was someone that he was very serious about. he couldn't tell why, but he just felt the need to have her. to keep her by his side. to love her. to fuck her. to breed her.

two hours had passed before toji saw that the female began to stir. he watched as her beautiful, coffee brown eyes opened, taking in her surroundings. he watched as she shot up, panic in those doe eyes. she was like a deer, and toji just knew he was the ravenous wolf meant to devour her.

ami's pov.

ami felt sick. she panicked as everything rushed back to her and smacked her upside her head. she turned to realize the man that had entered her coffee shop two months ago, sitting there as he smirked.

"who are you? and what do you want with me?" ami's voice trembled as she asked the older gentlemen these questions.

toji smirked at her questions as he stood up, his tall frame practically towering over her. he put one arm on the side of her head and gripped her face with the other hand, as he squeezed a bit roughly. he looked deep into her coffee brown eyes and ami could feel fear rising in her but she could also feel her own arousal. toji leaned in so close that she could feel breath on her face.

toji chuckled darkly, "starting today doll, you're my woman and no one else's. and trust me doll, if anyone dares to touch you, i'll fucking kill them."

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