Part 4

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       Today was the 4th of July and I cleared all remains from my parents closet a box of paperwork, letters, financials, and old pictures remains. The house was a cool 75 degrees from the air conditioning keeping it cool. The curtains have been removed and cleaned, so the mid-afternoon sun is shining in thru the trees. I was full of lunch just a few hours before. I sit in the middle of their bedroom floor on the plush carpeting with a shredder for any documents. I wore a soft blue cotton sun dress, no makeup, no shoes, with my hair braided to the side. There are birth certificates for Abigail Masters, Banan Masters, Richard Jones, Alannah Aldrich and mine. With them is a marriage license and death certificates for Alannah and Banan Masters.

   According to Banan Masters birth certificate he must be Abigail's younger brother, he was born October 23, 1956, in Houston County. He also died there on August 9, 1982, was married September 25, 1981, to Alannah Aldrich. Alannah Aldrich was also born in Houston County November 21, 1960 but died in Harris County August 22, 1982. My birthday. Then I find the custody and adoption papers for myself.

   Alannah Marie Aldrich- Masters died in childbirth, giving birth to me. There was a letter to Abigail from Alannah written on Aug. 11, 1982

Dearest Sister Abi,

   I have slipped this note in your overnight bag so you will find it when you arrive home after the funeral. I'm writing this because I fear my health may fail me. I ask if anything shall happen to me, you and Richard could take one of the twin girls I carry. Mary Anne couldn't take them both it would be too much to ask. You know she has a son and is due in September with her second pup. 

   The Blood Rose Pack is mostly destroyed after the rogue attacks that took Banan from us. the Storm Forrest Pack and Blue Moon Packs will be accepting any of our pack members that survive. I can't travel great distance this far along with the babies, I was warned I could go into birth with just the slightest bit of stress. The pack lands will be sold, and all proceeds will be divided into two trusts for the girls, Ciara Marie and Caitlin Elizabeth, Alfa Charles McKenna will hold it in trust until they reach their majority at age 21. 

   If my daughter decides to take your path away from pack life, I hope our lines and the Blood Rose Pack doesn't die out. I will see you in Houston at the hospital. Marcus Coltharp will be watching over me until then. I will be staying near Houston until the birth, but I cannot tell anyone where incase the rogues try to come for me and our unborn pups. Marcus will contact by phone when the time arrives. I have missed you these last few months. May we make it thru these troubling times alive and well. I love you as my own sister.

                                                   Love Alway

                                                       Luna Alannah Masters

  My mother wrote the note to my aunt two days after my father Banan's death. It sounds like my father was killed, by rogues. Along with many others in the community. She wasn't having an easy pregnancy carrying twins, my sister and me. There is a trust setup in my name held by a man I have never heard of. The next set of letters were from Mary Anne Coltharp- Whitman.

September 13, 1982

Dear Abigail,

   Alannah sent me your address with baby Caitlin's information. It has been many years since we last spoke you were about 5 years older than me when we lived in Texas. I was your father's Beta's daughter. I was good friends of Alannah and Banan. I'm sorry for the loss of your brother and pack. I know even though you haven't been in close contact with them since you married Richard, you must be in mourning.

   I am happy you were able to take Ciara Marie, you will have a reminder of your brother with you each day. I just had my own little girl on the 10th, which we named Julianna Rose. We gave her your pack's name. we hope one day she will make a strong sure Luna for another pack. I will love Caitlin as my own daughter, she has her father's eyes and strawberry fuzz for hair like Alannah. I included a picture for you, Richard, and eventually Ciara. If you need, we can send a guardian to watch over Ciara and your little family. Richard and you could also move into Blue Moon territory or Storm Forrest territory if you felt the need for security around the pup. I pray to the moon goddess this letter finds you well, please write soon.

Yours truly,

Luna Mary Anne Coltharp-Whitman

   In the envelope was 16 photos of my sister on our birthday as she grew, with only one more letter. I looked at the photos watching my sister grow into a young lady. Caitlin appeared to be well cared for and happy. Her birthday parties all appeared to be taken in the same location each year in front of a set of large windows an expanse of dark wood flooring under her feet, facing a smattering of trees, lush grasses with mountains in the distance. The landscape in the background was spectacular, like Colorado from our vacation but Oregon appeared lusher with life. The last photo of her when she was 16. She stood straight facing the camera with a small smile. Strawberry blond hair straight and cut in a bob at her chin, with misty moss green eyes. A beige pencil skirt, a sage blouse and beige flats on a petite frame. She looked like our aunt Abigail but with light hair and much younger.

August 23, 1998

Dear Abigail,

   I had hoped you would have corresponded with me and your niece all these years, this will be my last letter and picture. Caitlin has graduated early and starts college this fall at Oregon State but not to worry she will be with Jared at college. He will watch over her while she is away from the pack. She has decided to get her MBA and become a pack accountant.

    She is such a smart, practical girl. You would like her. In the event, you choose to tell Ciara about her sister, pack life, and inheritance, she will need to know before her 21st birthday. The Fall Harvest Ball will be held by the Storm Forrest Pack on September 22, 2003, for our girls' debut into majority. I hope you do not deny her the choice or her inheritance to be presented to her and Caitlin that night from your cousin, Alfa Clint McKenna of the Blue Moon Pack. I have sent your contact information to Clint and his wife Beth. Do not be surprised if he contacts you within the next few months. I send our wishes for a safe and prosperous year ahead. May the moon goddess watch over you.

Yours Sincerely,

Luna Mary Anne Coltharp- Whitman

# (541) 987-2830 personal residence

Forrest Crossing, Oregon

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