The first meet

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Elizabeth Anderson stands in a circle with her colleagues. Her long brown hair is tied in a bun and her brown eyes look tired. Her pink lips twitch to the side as she patiently waits for the staff meeting, coordinated by the manager to end. The manager lectures them on being accurate and agile towards the guests at the event they were in.
After about 5 minutes, the manager claps his hands in the air to clear his
staffs so that they can begin their activities. A millionaire wants to celebrate her daughters birthday and needs them to serve her guests as waiters. If they fail, they won't be paid well enough therefore, they have to perform thier task triumphantly.

However, the attitude emitting from the people wasn't something Beth and her colleagues were expecting. Throughout the whole event, Beth and her colleagues had to bare the guests mean attitude towards them. Gladly, the party ended and Beth made her way to college.

After an exhausting day, she decides to visit her most favorite place in the world. The small wood house she customized all by herself. In her pink top and blue jean, she arrives at her wood house. When one says wood house, someone might think it was made of refined wood and the appearance might be inviting but no this was the opposite. The house has a writing imprinted on it saying, 'please do not enter' . Woods were misplaced as if it was about to collapse in an instant. They were small lights which hung above the head of the house in different colours. It didn't have a roof but thick woods covered some parts of the open top letting one have a perfect view of the moon and clouds.
Beth walks into the misplaced building and smiles at her decorations once again. The inside was lit with different yellow lights around different corners giving the Minnie building a soft golden glow.

Her eyes sweep around the room only to fall on a standing male frame whose focus seemed to be on the moon above them. Startled, she stepped aback, her brows furrowed in confusion.'why did he come in even after the rational words imprinted on the outside of her small building ?' she thought. To her this was trespassing.
Beth gulped and straightened herself before facing the boy. "what are you doing here?" Her tone was stern getting him to slowly look at her.
The boys lips lifted into a smirk and he glanced around one more time. Looking at Beth with a questionable gaze, he asked. "Is this place yours?" His face held a mocking smile which Beth tried her best to ignore. She folded her arms below her chest and glared at him intensely.
"Yes it is. What's wrong with it?" Her tone was passively low and her words were quick towards him. He is trying to mock her hard work and she hates it. Though it isn't perfect but she still loves it and won't let a trespasser insult it.
The boy's name is Alexander and he tilts his head to the side. "I never said anything was wrong with it." He walks towards an object and holds it. Looking down at the inanimate thing, he continues. "Did I?" His question sounded like he was stating a word rather than questioning her.
Beth simply sighed when he looked away from the object to her.
"Didn't you see a writing outside?" She saw no reason to get angry anymore rather, she should pursue him without doing it physically.
Alex drops the object and picks another one. He didn't look at her. "You mean the one that gave me no reason to not come in?" He drops the present object on a table and smiles at Beth. "Yes I saw it." Truthfully, he was right. The sign didn't give one reasons to not break in. After all there was no door and Beth should have written something more daunting.

"But you knew this place probably belonged to someone and you still entered." Her raised tone made the boy roll his eyes nonchalantly like he was tired of her blabbing.
He now stood in front of her and his graceful features were appealing to the eyes. His light blue eyes looked down at her small figure as she craned her neck upwards since he happened to be way taller than her. He had thick and pitch black hair which was low at the back and high at the top of his head perfectly arranged. He had a fine narrowed nose and cherry lips which were slightly full while his masculine jawline was beautifully made. It made Beth to think that he had emerged from one of her favorite romance novel. He was beyond the word gorgeous or breathtakingly beautiful that someone would possibly not believe his human.

However, Alex leaned closer to her face at breaths length and spoke.
"You look tired..." his gaze switching from one of her eyes to the other "what's your name?"
Beth was about to flinch back from the sudden unexpected question. He had changed the subject so quickly as if they were people getting to know each other.

Her brows pulled to a knot "are you serious?" She said not answering his question. Why would she want to tell a stranger her name? She used the side of her body to face him and pointed directly at the exit which led to the outside."please leave." Alex glanced at the exit and in haste brought his eyes back to her.
"I'll only leave if you tell me your name." He said
Beth closed her eyes and inhaled to calm her nerves down. Once they were open again she looked up at him "so? if I tell you my name you'll leave?"
She looked at him for a while perhaps to catch a glimpse of lies but all he had on was a smirk. After a few seconds she parted her lips to speak.
"It's Beth."
"Elizabeth." Her looked away and whispered to himself but it reached her ears and before she could say correct him, he left her alone.

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