Chapter IV

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First day back to school and as Kath, Gemma and I walked into the class all eyes were on me. As we sat down I couldn't help but look at the empty chair in front of me where Angel always sat. Ms Williams walked in and before she started talking about anything school related she asked everyone how their holidays were and everyone was arguing on who had the best gifts. Ms Williams then announced "As you are probably aware Angel is no longer a member of our tutor group or the school in fact. She has moved to Harriet's school for girls'." Some people were still shocked you could hear murmurs around the room. I didn't like everyone talking about it so I just shouted "Oh well! It's her loss! She moved to a shitty school". Everyone immediately stopped talking and it felt as everything became slow motioned, I felt everyone's heavy stare towards me "Frankie outside now" Ms Williams called out looking rather disappointed.

"I don't know what exactly happened Frankie and I may not understand but you should know everything will sort itself out, just give it time, time heals things. Next time please use better language than 'shitty' use something like abominable or atrocious" She smiled and winked at me then let me back into the class.

After school it was football practice. I was so focused that nothing could break the concentration I had. Ms Palmer was really happy with the way I was performing. Everyone followed my lead even Kath who always complains about every drill was focused. Ms Palmer gathered us up "Listen up! Alright beating the H girls was challenging but we did it. That, however, was at home it will be extremely hard to win against them away but we will work our butts off for the next three weeks and we will show them that we were, are and always will be the champions!" there was a loud round of applause from everyone.

As we headed to the changing rooms I was stopped by Tash "Hey, can we talk?" I didn't want to be rude so I went ahead to talk to her after getting changed. I saw Tash waiting for me by the benches "Hey Tash" I said smiling at her "Hey Frankie, look I wanted to talk about New Years' Eve and what happened. You said that you'd call me and after the picture of us got uploaded on Facebook, you didn't talk to me. I just hope you aren't angry or anything." I chuckled a little bit "No don't be silly Tash; I am nowhere near angry or upset with you. Listen the truth is I don't really remember anything from that day. I mean when I was talking to you I was probably sober but throughout the night I got really fucked up." Tash looked a bit upset "Oh, well that kind of sucks. Well I just want you to know that what I told you that night was true. I've always liked you." She got up and walked away, I didn't know what to do, I was so confused, but I ran after her anyways. "Tash Wait up! Listen, I'm not going to lie to you because we've known each other since primary school. I'm honestly confused about a lot of things especially my feelings. You obviously know about me and Angels break up and then someone else liking me is a big thing. I never thought anyone would even find me attractive." Tash smiled at me and hugged me, I was caught off guard but it was nice, it felt as if finally after so many weeks of feeling like nobody cared it was as if someone did give a crap about my feelings. "Frankie, I know, it's hard, but I'll be here for you, no matter what, I always have if you think about it. Remember that time you got lost at the museum, even Kath and Gemma gave up and who found you? Me. Even just as a friend, I always am here" I smiled and our hands touched each other. "Are you doing anything now?" She smiled "Nope. Why?" I immediately looked at Kath and Gemma waiting behind me "Give me a second" I ran to Kath and Gemma "Guy's you go on ahead, I'm going out tonight." I ran back to Tash "Well how about dinner and a movie?" She didn't have to reply her smile was enough for me. I don't want to seem like a prick moving from one girl to another and I don't want to sound like I'm a user either but going out with Tash was a good idea to take my mind off everything stressful.

When I got home, I saw my dad, Teresa and Angel all sitting by the dinner table. "There you are Bud, now we can eat, we've been waiting an hour for you, Teresa made some delicious steaks, and you'll love it!" I looked at them and laughed out loud, I didn't mean to, it just came out like word vomit "Oh, I'll pass" Dad looked at me in disappointment "Bud, if you weren't going to have dinner you could have at least called me, now sit down and have dinner" I laughed even more "You are so pathetic Dad, since when do I call to tell you I'm not having dinner. You are never here, and now all of a sudden you care about whether I eat or not." Teresa and Angel both sat there and didn't say a word "Bud that is enough! You need to eat regardless, you had football training and it's not good to skip meals." I looked at my dad with such anger I have never looked at him like that before "I am not eating because I already had dinner, okay, not that it's any of your business, but I went out to see a movie and have dinner with Tash. Now goodbye I have homework to do, so I'll leave you to play happy family." I walked away and no one said anything more.

It has been three weeks and Tash and I are now officially dating and have been since the day after the spontaneous date. My feelings for her weren't like the feelings I had for Angel, it was different but it was still good. It was the day of the game, we arrived at Harriet's and immediately started to warm up on their pitch. To everyone's surprise as we looked across at the other team, we saw Angel who was part of their team and was wearing the captain's band. "Oh it is on!" shouted Gemma. Everyone patted me on the back and the spectators started to arrive. Tash came running and jumped on me I managed to force a smile somehow. She gave me a small cute peck on the lips and wished me luck.

The coin toss was absolutely intense as Angel and I walked up to each other. She picked heads so I picked tails and it was tails. I chose to have possession of the ball in the second half. I felt so fired up. I wasn't angry at Angel I was angry at her decisions, I could never hate her, but my anger on the situation was started to be vented on her. The handshake was so firm, but I could see in her eyes she was almost in tears "Don't cry. You're tough enough" She immediately walked away. I don't know whether I said it to be spiteful or whether I was trying to be nice in the situation I was in.

As soon as Angel kicked the ball to one of the H girls I immediately went 'Attack mode' on them, I quickly took possession of the ball and tricked everyone on the pitch as if it was a one man match and fired it towards the goal and scored. This fire continued but Angel started to get fired up and perhaps angry. The game ended 4-1 to us, we were so happy we even did a doggy pile. I got up and called Angel, she came towards me and I put out my hand for another handshake. "Well done out there, it was a good game. Look I don't want any more bad feelings between us. I'm over it. I'm with somebody now." I said that just to be spiteful but I didn't like her seeing and knowing how vulnerable she made me.

The next day at school I was called into the Headmaster's office. As I walked in, I saw the Coach, my Headmaster and a woman I had never seen before. "Francesca, it's good to see you, well done on your win yesterday!" Said Mr Wright "Oh sir, for the 100th time please call me Frankie" He smiled "Well the reason you're here is because you have a visitor, now I'll let her introduce herself, in the meantime feel free to use my office to talk, me and Coach Palmer have to go on duty. Excuse us" Miss Palmer whispered good luck and left with Mr Wright. "Hi my name is Amanda; I am one a senior scout for Notre Dame University." I was in shock "Oh, wow, well it is a pleasure to meet you Amanda, I wasn't expecting to see you or in fact any other scout." She smiled at me "Well ND likes to get ahead" she winked "I was at your game yesterday and I have to say I have never seen quite a passion for sport, I mean you and Skylar Diggins could be good friends, she's a sophomore at ND who plays basketball, she has fire and passion just like you have for soccer" I watch Women's College Basketball so hearing Skylar's name excited me "I watch the fighting Irish women's basketball team. They are great" She looked happy that I did take interest in ND's other athletics. "Now I am going to cut to the chase here, we want to offer you a scholarship for any course as long as you play for our soccer team and help boost us, all we want is for you to play with that same passion and fire" I was happy yet terrified "I accept" there was no hesitation "You can think about this, it is a big move, please take as much time." I smiled "I am sure, is there any contract or something I have to sign?" She was shocked but nevertheless she handed me the contract and I signed it. "Well that was great, here are some papers for you to fill out and if you could send it back to me I will get it approved immediately, it will give you the right to live, work and study in the US" I took the papers and we parted.

I went home with Dad, Teresa and Angel watching television in the sitting room. I walked in and they all said Hi to me. I went in front of them "I need to talk to you all" Dad turned off the TV "What is it bud?" I smiled "Listen, obviously next year I'm going to be in university. Well, I have received a scholarship." Dad immediately got up and hugged me "Bud that is brilliant!" Angel smiled "Oh my God that is amazing! What university is it?" I looked at my Dad and felt bad but he had Teresa now so he won't be so lonely "Well a scout from Notre Dame University came" Angel's smile dropped "Frankie that's in the US" I smiled "I know that's why I didn't hesitate to sign the contract, ND is great when it comes to sports, Dad we both watch their Basketball games on ESPN." Dad was in a state of shock "Bud, this is a big move, why didn't you discuss this with us?" I sat next to him "Dad I am not discussing my future with anyone, but I am letting you know. Listen another thing, in about 2 weeks it's half term and well it's valentine's week. Tash and I are going to L.A for the week and well I am also going to visit ND's campus. Just letting you know."

As I walked away they were all left in silence.

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