Chapter 9

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I was falling.

I looked around me and saw nothing but a blinding white, and felt nothing but my own fear. I looked down and saw colors starting to develop. Those colors turned into land.

I was still falling towards a desert biome in the middle of day. I flew through a cloud, hoping it would save me. I screamed and hit the ground. Then everything went black.

I opened my eyes, disoriented. I took in my soroundings. It was dark and cool. I was at the cave. But how? What just happened to me? Was I dead? Did I respawn?...

I crawled to my feet, and left my part of the cave into the living room. There wasn't a mob to be seen. "Hello?" My voice echoed through the empty cave. I needed someone to tell me what was going on.

I made it into the main hall that branched of into seperate rooms where mobs lived. There where no sounds; it was absolutely empty. I was getting kind of creeped out.

Finally, I started to hear the sounds of mobs talking. It was coming from the main cave where meetings and gatherings where held. I walked closer towards the noice. Finally, I stood in one of the many entrances of the giant cavern.

This is where all the mobs were. In the front and center was queen Ghastly, who was preaching something I couldn't quite catch from the back of the cave.

But what I did hear was my name. Being whispered through the croud. It started with one mob, then it was many. I heard my name everywhere.

"Christie, CHRISTIE, Chrrrrissssstieee..."

Why? What is going on!? Then before I could say something I heard one voice bursts through the croud.

"She's dead then?" It was Zack.

"That is what i've heard." Said Queen Ghastly. "I'm sorry."

"What? I..." I mumbled. "What?" I said louder.

Then suddenly, I was yanked from the opening of the cave and onto the hard stone floor. I tried to scream, to open my eyes, but when I did, I found I was no longer in the cave. I was in the Nether.

I looked around panicked, confused and overwhelmed. "Where... WHAT!?
What is going on!?" I screamed.

"Christie The Skeleton. You are now going to complete a series of trials." Said an echoing, male voice.


"Test number one." Said the voice.

The blocks beneath my feet deteriorated and I fell and landed on a single block. Then more blocks started to form and grow outwards in every direction. The blocks where forming wierd black towers.

"Welcome to The End."

Sorry ( not really >;) ) to leave this on a cliffhanger. Are you guys ready for part 2? Btw I might be changing the cover page soon.

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