Chapter 8

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I had been running for what feels like an eternity. I was exhausted. I put my hands on my knees, and let out a raspy cough.

It was dark now. The moon was nearly halfway between the sky. I had been searching for hours; trying to retrace my steps. But there was no longer anything to trace because, I had been wandering all around and only coming to the same place over, and over again.

If only things were as they usually were, with mobs roaming around at night, then maybe I would be able to ask somebody for help. But since queen Ghastly put a quarantine on all the mobs in a 3,000,000,000 block radius, I was probably the only mob outside period.

And now I had given up because I knew I was completely lost.

I slid down the nearest tree and put my head in my hands. I wondered what the rests of the group was doing. Were they looking for me? Or had they decided to continue the mission without me?

More than likely the latter. Queen Ghastly wouldn't want them to delay the mission just because I was missing. Honestly with Ashley there, I doubt they even need me.

I closed my eyes and let my thoughts swim around in my head. I needed to regain my energy; to take a break.

I stood up and began to walk around. Maybe I could find my way out of the jungle. Even if it wasn't the direction I had came from, I could find my way out of this tangled mess and get my barings.

So I began to walk away from the clearing I was in. I didn't know how deep the jungle was so this could be a long jurney, or a short walk.

Then I had an idea. I climbed the nearest tree using the vines and broke the leaves until I reached the top. It was still the dead of night so I would be safe...for now.

Once I reached the top of the tree, I surveyed the land. The jungle was alot larger than I had expected and it seemed I was right in the middle of it.

I started to make my way towards... something. All I could see in the distance was fog, so I didn't know which way to go. As I was growing up, I was taught how to find my way around using the position of the sun and the moon. But directions always confused me and I don't remember what I learned anymore.

I wasn't the best at parkour, but I managed. I hopped over the thick trees the best I could. Finally, I had come to a clearing. I walked closer to the edge of the tree line and saw that it was the desert biome.

I had never been in a desert before. I had always avoided deserts just because of the image they create: hot, sunny and dry. Of course and if I ever got stuck in a desert during sunrise, since there is no place to really take cover.... well, we know how that would end. I remember the stories...

On a usual occasion, I wouldn't lay a block in the desert. But this was an exception because my situation was really dire.

I climbed down from the tree and nervously laid a foot in the sand. I decided I would stay near the tree line so if any accidents happened, I could quickly sprint to safety.

I walked about ten blocks into the desert. Then a few more. I couldn't help myself, my curiosity drew me in.

I had never been in a biome made all of sand. My feet felt light and swift. I danced around in the sand. There where many cactuses around here. I had never seen one in person, but I heard that they cause damage.

I don't know why, but I walked over and touched the nearest cactus. I jolted backward as a shock of pain rippled through my bones.

"Ow!" I found myself laughing out loud at my own stupidity. Despite the situation, my mood was pretty high. It was nice to be alone sometimes.
Well, atleast I thought I was alone.

A flash of blue caught the corner of my eye. I turned around, alarmed. But I found nothing. It couldn't have been water. There was no water in the desert. Or was there? I actually don't know.

Another flash of blue erupted towards my left. I whipped around in fear. I started to back away towards the tree line, breathing rapidly.

There was something about that blue that was screaming recognozition. It definetly wasn't water.

But what else? What else was such a light shade of blue. A lump formed in my throat. I know...

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