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I do not own the video have a good day/night!
October 3rd 1927
Newt and Aurora walk through the streets of London. A hand waving in the air caught their attention. "Newt?." Aurora asked him. "Why is there a hand waving at us?." She asked him quietly. He walked over the hand pointed to a roof. Newt took the hand grabbing Aurora's in the process more they Apparate. Albus Dumbledore turns. "Uncle." Aurora stated. "Aurora. Newt i see Aurora found you alright." Dumbledore told Newt. "I knew she would find you." Dumbledore laughs softly at Newt who turns to Aurora. "So that is how you found me?." He asks her. "Like i once said. It is easy to find a friend just remember their face." Aurora whispered arms folded across her chest. "Now you two. I have something important for you both to do." He instructs. Newt with Aurora shared a glance. "Come." Dumbledore says leading the two to a bus. "Gellert Grindelwald has broke out of prison. Now you both know i cannot move against him. Aurora especially." He continues. "So i am asking you both to go to Paris for me and stop Grindelwald.  He is in Paris to look for credence i know you and Aurora both care about this boy so very much so try and find him as soon as you can before the ministry do." Dumbledore explains they apparate. "In your case i would probably refuse too. It is getting late good evening you two." Dumbledore stated. He apparated. "Oh come on!." Newt exclaimed. Aurora rolls her eyes at Newt.

Aurora now with long brown hair with the same piercing cold blue eyes walked through the streets looking over her shoulders constantly. Aurora walked up the steps towards Newt's house. Aurora then opens the door with her wand. She walked down the steps to a large basement creatures were everywhere. Aurora walked towards a woman who was helping a creature. "Hello do you know where i can find Newt Scammender?." Aurora asked her. Bunty turns around. "He should be coming in here soon. He was out at the British ministry of magic trying to be able to travel again since—." Bunty began. "Since he let all the creatures loose in New York City?. Yes i was a Auror and i still am i just do not work as ofte-." She told Bunty before she was cut off by Newt's voice. "BUNTY?. THE BABY NIFFlER'S HAVE GONE LOOSE AGAIN!." Newt shouts. Bunty traps a niffler in a jar. "Sorry Newt i did not realise." Bunty whispers. "It is quite alright Bunty but i think you should go home." He whispered to Bunty. Aurora seen him walk down the steps towards a large glass.  "Bunty you should go home." He instructs. Aurora decided to speak up. "Why if it isn't Mr. Scammender?." Aurora laughs softly. Newt turns to the voice surprised to find Aurora Dumbledore standing there in front of him. "I will give you some time alone." Bunty stated walking away from the two. "Let me help you." Aurora told him. He nodded his head. Newt started to remove his coat. "Can you give me a hand?." He asked the girl who turns around helping him pull it off. Aurora smiled shyly at him. She waved her wand instantly drying it. "Still the same old you." Newt laughs softly at her.  Aurora smirks at him. Newt rolled his sleeves up and turned to Aurora. "Meet me over there." He points to a spot. "Alrigh-...NEWT?." She screams when she realised Newt had jumped backwards into the water he looked around for the creature pulling back the rains of the water creature as it swam around in the large tank. "Somebody wanted to let off some steam." Newt joked. "I can see that." She replied she dropped a bit of medicine on the creature's nose. They heard voices. "Did anybody follow you?." He asked Aurora who shakes her head. He was about to walk up stairs but Aurora tries him off with few flicks off her wand. "You really did well learning your wand did you?." He asks in disbelief. Aurora smirks at his wide eyes she walked up the steps with Newt holding the door open. The two stood there stunned. "Did we interrupt you?." Aurora asked sarcastically leaning against the doorway. "I think Queenie..spelled Jacob." Aurora whispers. "That is so weird because i think so to!." Newt whispers back to her. Aurora lifts her wand carefully before they all had a dinner. She gave Newt a firm nod. He slowly lifted out the spell from Jacob's mind. "Congratulations on your engagement Jacob." Newt says. Jacob blinked twice. "My what?." Jacob asked him. Aurora pinched her nose bridge. "Your engagement.. Jacob congratulations." Newt continues. Jacob looks between the pair of them. They both nodded at him. Queenie looked at Jacob before she stormed out of the apartment. Aurora let out a breath. "Well. That was some engagement." Aurora laughs sarcastically. Newt turned to face his friend who was lifting up the furniture with her wand. "Oh do not be so shocked Mr. Scammender Dumbledore taught me a little more." Aurora explained with a smirk on her face. "Queenie!. Queenie honey!." Aurora heard Jacob exclaim. Aurora watched from the window as Queenie marched off away from him. "Well Queenie is not a happy one." Aurora stated. Newt had picked up a postcard. "Whose it from?." She asked him. "Tina." He breathed out. "Tina?." Aurora asks surprised. "She is in Paris at the moment." He explains. Aurora's eyes widened at the thought of Queenie's sister. Jacob walked inside the room. Newt rushed down the steps leaving a note for Bunty.

Aurora Dumbledore Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora