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Nigga I'm a show you just how down an dirty I can be.
I gave you my heart and you treated it like shit.
Now I'm a show you the strong and tough side of me.
I'm a make you wish you didn't treat me like a second rate dish. Nigga you're about to feel my fury so don't fret if you start to get a little teary. Nigga I haven't been home in oh so long, you should have known I knew you were doing me wrong.

As I write this the tears begin to flow but motherfucker I'm about to hit you with one hell of a blow. Nigga you thought you had some banging ass bed skills, please don't hurt yourself for I know your wheels are just starting to spin. Just know you were below a negative ten. Nigga I faked it each and every time and me getting away with it now that's crime.. You can kiss my ass for I'm done with you at last. Nigga think about what you've just lost because I damn sure wont. No need to shout I'm leaving you in the past so Nigga just know I'm out

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