Chapter 001- A startling truth

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When Paige woke up, her hospital room was dark and smelled bad. The overhead fluorescent light flickered, and the halls were filled with the noise of hurried feet. Her face flushed and her lips parted as Paige was shocked by the moan that was released by her mouth. Her whole body ached. There was no decent guidebook about this.

She was so confused. What do you do when your heart is left in shambles and your body abused. The doctors said she was healing, but Paige wasn't sure what that meant. She was so scared, not knowing what the future would bring or if there was anything to look forward to. She thought of her family and friends, and although they were far away, she felt a tiny bit of comfort knowing that they were out there.

A young doctor with a stern appearance cast his eyes at her judgmentally and spoke softly. The baby appears to be fine, but you really should be more careful. Paige sucked in a sharp breath. She didn't know what baby this doctor was referring to. Her mind was muddled and she had mixed emotions. She was trying so desperately to remember how she had even wound up here. How was she supposed to make any sense out of this when her doctor was pressing her about things that didn't make any sense.

"Did you say baby?", Paige asked. A flicker of annoyance flashed across the doctor's face.

We found your car wrapped up on a tree in the park. Not only did you manage to injure yourself, but you also put at risk the child that you are carrying.

Paige looked down at her flat stomach, it sure didn't look like she was pregnant. "Where are my clothes"?

"Your clothing was ruined. We had to discard them. They appeared to be covered in liquor and after the wreck, they were in very bad shape", the doctor replied.

Tears stung her eyes as she remembered what had happened, she felt alone and scared. But she was determined not to give up, she had to find the strength and courage to heal, something that had been taken from her. She needed to take back the reigns of her life, and find the confidence to move forward. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but it was worth it.

She had heard stories of people in similar situations but that knowledge seemed inadequate. Slowly the pieces of the puzzle assembled themselves in her mind and she began to understand what had happened. Paige knew that she was in for a long road of healing and recovery, but she couldn't help but feel relieved that she had finally figured it out.

Paige looked up, her eyes and cheeks wet. Paige had been left alone in her hospital room, with nothing to do but feel sorry for herself. She had no idea what was to come. With each passing hour, the loneliness in her heart grew bigger. There was no other way around it; she was going to have to find the courage to carry on with her life and leave the past behind.

Paige's body felt cold. She was wrapped up into a blanket and she couldn't seem to stay warm. Paige curled her body up into a ball and crossed her arms as she cried softly.

The doctor managed to stammer out, "I'll send someone to check up on you shortly" , as he exited quickly in obvious distress and disgust.

Paige felt defeated. She just continued to curl up in bed and try to find a way to become warm. Staying awake seemed exhausting. Sleep seemed like the perfect way avoid the harsh realities of life. At least if she was sleeping, she wouldn't have to think.

Paige felt overwhelmed by the emotions that were coursing through her. She felt violated, scared, and angry all at the same time. She had been experienced a trauma but, as painful as it was, Paige knew that she had to face her fears and take back her life.

Pregnant... there was that word. She wasn't sure she could do this alone. Her parents were not going to help her or even support her emotionally through this. If she went to school, she could only imagine how she would be treated. Was it selfish to get through the trauma without the need to raise another human? She couldn't provide for this child. She couldn't even provide for herself. She knew that statistically infants were placed in families, families that could provide for a child... wanted a child...

She could do this. Paige cast her eyes towards the door. She knew what she needed to do. She had to ensure that both this child and herself had a future.

A heavy set nurse shuffled into the room with a stack of pamplets in her arms. Maybe it was the stress, but it seemed like they were raining down on her bed, slowly floating. She could barely feel her own body as she watched the pamphlets inch closer to her. "Dealing with trauma", "Additional Options" "Safe Sex", "Raising a newborn", "the expecting parent", etc.

"Stop" Paige weakly said. " I know what I need to do"...

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