Chapter 1 - The Begginings

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It's a quiet night in the hidden leaf village, everything looks as usual, most of the civilians are asleep and so is a large part of the Shinobi.

Suddenly, however, a blurry silhouette appears, dressed in all black clothing, with a mask over its face, and a hood from a cloak on its head, the only visible part of his face being piercing ocean blue eyes. 

However, this silhouette disappears into a dark alley, where it looks around and checks if someone is watching it, to its relief it is not, and continues on. It stops in front of the wall, and suddenly a passage appears in the wall, a mysterious person enters it, and the passage closes. After a short walk through a dark corridor, this person comes into a dark room, and turns on the lights. 

Which reveals the room in all its glory, there is everything our young ninja could wish for: a bed, a refrigerator, a table and chairs, a huge library with lots of scrolls and books, all sorts of training equipment and a large enough place for training, at first glance a small armory, where there is a bunch of scrolls with no doubt all sorts of weapons, last but not least a wardrobe with clothes, a small garden and a kitchen. 

'How much I love the security seal,' thinks our young ninja. He then removes his hood, which reveals blond, almost to yellow hair with criomson red tips followed by a mask over his mouth, which reveals three scars on each cheek, which look like whiskers. His name is Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki, well rather Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, not that people know about it and even those who know about it have no idea that Naruto is aware of this fact, he is currently 12 years old, and for his age he is quite tall with his height of 160cm, he is definitely above average for his age (although he hides his true height with his Henge, so everyone thinks he is a 145cm tall midget).

He is dressed in all black clothes, which at least partially shows for his age very good physique, which from his observations is significantly better than anyone his age, and better than large part of ninjas in the village, the only ones with better physique than him are the elite jonins, the ANBU Captains, Vice-Captains, the adult taijutsu specialists, and of course the Hokage, all at least few years older than him. 

Naruto pulls a few scrolls full of all sorts of weapons out of his pockets. ‘How dumb are people to leave perfectly workable and usable weapons randomly without care in the world on training grounds, is beyond me. But at least I can use them and don't have to buy them.’ he thinks to himself. But now more important things are running out of his head right now. ‘How will people react to who I really am, not that I care, at least I won't have to wear that orange monstrosity and use that henge which makes me look like a midget, although it is true that that monstrosity helped me to be well trained in stealth, at least something, and above all I will don't finally have to act like a complete total idiot, despite the fact that it all of it does a shadow clone with a lot of chakra and good enough endurance so that I do not have to go there, and actually did not have to walk even to the apartment where I "live",  rather were I should live, but I wouldn't do it because of my amazing neighbors and others that will surely don't try to do something, it's still suffering because I still get the memories of the clone back‘ he says to himself. 

After thinking for a while, he decides to go to bed, after all he has a pretty important day tomorrow, he will finally be able to become a ninja, not that many people would believe that he will really succeed, and above all he knows that there is not the slightest chance that he will not pass, he is quite sure that the Civilian Council will try something as always, but he knows that they will not succeed anyway. Most likely they will try to undermine him by having the jutsu that he will have to perform be a Bunshin no jutsu that he is known to fail, not that it is his fault, despite how many hundreds perhaps thousands of hours he spent with the help of shadow clones trying to better control his chakra, in which he was successful and his control over the chakra is at the level of jonin at least, but he still can't create a clone, due to the fact that he just has too much chakra, even more than 3rd Hokage. 

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