Chapter 4 - True show of skill

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The next day before six o'clock Naruto is coming to the training ground 8. Everyone is already there, even Kakashi, who, as soon as he heard that Naruto wanted to show him something, decided to come. Because if Naruto is at least a little like his father was, he has something to look forward to. Plus the Hokage threatened to burn his Icha Icha collection of books if he arrived late.

When Naruto arrives, he sees Kurenai, Kakashi, Hokage, Anko, who is to the left of Kurenai, and Yugao, who is to his right of Kurenai. Both Yugao and Anko are blushing madly at the site of him, and thinking along the lines of 'Damn he is hot, just like his Father was, and even more with those red streaks in his hair, I have never seen such a defined body at boy his age, damn he has a six pack. I wonder how he changed so quickly from the pipsqueak we were seeing until last week.'

Naruto, of course notices them blushing and just thinks 'Damn, my mom was so right about her students. Well they were all like daughters to her, so I suppose it makes sense. And then there is the fact that she, at least from what I can understand, wanted me to get with at least one of them, again makes sense, because of her plans with me, although it is a bit weird.'

As soon as Kurenai sees him, she says, "Let me introduce you..." But she is instantly cut by Naruto. "No need for that, we already met. To your left is Anko Mitarashi, special jonin and 2nd in command of T&I. To your right is Yugao Uzuki, ANBU Captain with the codename Neko," Naruto quickly explains.

"How do you know Yugaos' ANBU codename?" Kakashi asks. "Seriously Kakashi or should I say Inu? I'm a sensor type. Plus you two are quickly recognizable, who else in the village has gray hair that seems to defy gravity than you Kakashi, and who else has long purple hair other than Yugao. If you don't mind, I could adjust the Yugaos' mask so that when she wears it it uses my physical version of henge, it will change weares hair color and length after putting on. I could do the same for some other ANBU with recognisable hair color, of course it is all done using fuinjutsu. " Naruto answers, and everyone nods.

"Why have I never thought of that," the Hokage muses. Meanwhile, Kurenai whispers to Anko "How do you know each other?" "We used to bring him food, protect and help him, before he joined the academy," Anko whispers back. Kurenai wanted to cry at that moment, if it weren't for her training, she would have cried, because she remembered that Anko and Yugao had told her about him, but at the time she didn't know it was him. She silently cursed herself about doing nothing about it, but there is no time to deal with the past, now hopefully she will be able to make him up for it.

This strain of thought is interrupted by Naruto, "Oh, and before you ask, the reason I look different is because the form you were seeing until now was actually my physical henge and some fuinjutsu, and BTW. what you were seeing at the academy was my enhanced and reinforced shadow clone, except my 1st and last day there," the blonde quickly explains.

"Let's start with taijutsu, Naruto, your opponent will be Anko," the Hokage announced. Both Naruto and Anko nodded at that and the others walked away. Before starting Naruto just silently whispers "Release", at which point all his resistance seals open. Naruto decides to start with his Tides' Fist taijutsu style, Anko and him stare at each other for a while and give a good ol' western standoff.

In the end, Anko decides to run at Naruto at full speed, which is probably the speed of a mid to high Jonin, Naruto is able to read her movements calmy. Anko tries to punch him in the stomach but the blond crouches and avoids the attack, and decides to make his move. Anko can't avoid the punch he sends her way but manages to block him. Naruto decides to try to sweep her legs with one of his own, which Anko avoids at the last second.

But Naruto kicks her with his other leg, this attack lands, sending her about a meter back. The rest of the fight continues along the same lines, Anko has to avoid Naruto's attacks and block them. Because Naruto is faster than her, many times she doesn't have time to dodge or block the attacks. Anko manages to hit Naruto several times, but Naruto still wins with about three to four times the number of hits on her, compared to how much he received.

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