Chapter 5 - Talk with The Hokage

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Timeskip 5 days later

Naruto was walking through the village to the Hokage tower, for his meeting with the Hokage, about some more things. Hokage was not exactly sure what it was that Naruto wanted to talk about. But at the moment Naruto was looking back at the events that followed his test.

Flashback 5 days ago - 8:00

It was shortly before 8 o'clock, and Naruto along with Kurenai were waiting for Hinata and Shino. In the meantime they discussed what to do about the team. Naruto told Kurenai that he really didn't want to be stuck doing D-rank missions. While he didn't mind the work, and money because money is money. The reason, because of which he didn't want to do them, were the people that hated him and the fact that he wanted some mission experience so he can get promotion easier.

Kurenai understood his reasons, after all the civilians did to him, she would have the same apathy towards them and they were all things considered the reason why he was a genin and not a jonin in the first place.

Naruto then suggested putting their team through harsh training, that included Kurenai. Afterwards he explained that the reason he wanted to do it was simply because he really didn't want to be stuck genin, with all his skills and being genin would not give him much experience, also it could fix Hinatas' problem with her Father and the clan elders seeing her as a weakling and failure and most of all get her out of the mindset of being a failure put into her by her clan and reducing her shyness. And Shino, well he would not really mind.

Kurenai after some time agreed with his reasons and asked if he had something in mind. Naruto nodded at that, stating that for Hinata the main thing would be fixing her taijutsu, since he had seen it and something was off. He told Kurenai that he later found out that the reason was that unlike most Hyuga, Hinatas' affinity was water not earth, explaining that he found out thanks to his sensing bloodline. Her affinity being water, therefore her body type, directly contradicted with the earth style nature of the gentle fist, especially it being really stiff for Hinata. After that issue being solved Naruto wanted Hinata to learn some way of long distance fighting, being either using bow or ninjutsu, stating that this would fix the problem most Hyuuga have, that being they are too reliant on their taijutsu, and enemy using it against them. He even suggested that Hinata should learn some genjutsu as an ace in the hole so to speak, and maybe some medical ninjutsu thanks to her great chakra control. Needless to say, Kurenai was happy about that.

For Shino it would be fixing his and his clans' problem, which is the opposite of the problem Hyuuga have, the Aburame clan focuses too much on long to mid range fighting. Fixing that Naruto stated would require for Shino to learn more advanced taijutsu or how to use some weapon, and ideally both. Of course Naruto stated that Shino should also learn some ninjutsu, since while Aburame couldn't use much ninjutsu it would still be good for Shino to learn some and utilize his earth affinity for defense, since with some training Shino should be able to use some B-rank ninjutsu, while not a lot of times in a fight, it still helps, Naruto even stated that he had ninjutsu specifically for Shino to learn. Naruto suggested that Shino should learn some genjutsu, since they didn't need much chakra and Shino can use them to confuse his enemy. Naruto afterwards stated that everyone in their team should know at least some genjutsu, being a team of genjutsu mistresses and all.

For Kurenai, Naruto stated that she should branch out some more, because focusing on one subject too much can get you seriously injured or worse. The blonde stated that while the taijutsu and ninjutsu skills Kurenai possess are good, they are subpar for a full jonin, and add to the fact that Kurenai does not know much ninjutsu that pack the punch so to speak.

Naruto stated that he himself doesn't to diversify much, given that he is quite skilled in all the ninja arts, apart from medical ninjutsu, that he as of now cannot use, but the blonde stated that he is working on fixing that to certain extent, with fuinjutsu of course and while he himself would not be able to be good hospital medic, as a combat and field medic he would do fine, and adding some fuinjutsu he would be able to do better than 75% of medics. With worst subject Naruto can utilize being genjutsu, even though the is better at genjutsu than most jonin, thanks to it being the most underutilized art of all except fuinjutsu, with from all people in village there being only 2 fuinjutsu masters that being Jiraiya and Naruto, and less than 10 experts in The Sandaime, Kakashi, leader of the barrier corps and ANBU seal specialist, the guy who supplies the village armory and 2 or 3 that Naruto has no idea about, other that that there are some people that can make a storage and explosive seals, with Tenten being only genin, except for Naruto himself to be able to do that.

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