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i couldn't take it, i started crying and i ran out last thing i saw before i ran out was vic tearing up. i heard a couple giggles and amber letting out a fake cry.

i stayed in the bathroom the whole rest of the period, i didn't wanna go back in there. i waited until the bell rang for science.

i checked myself in the mirror, my eyes were red and puffy and my hair was a mess. i messed with my hair until it looked nicer than what it was.

i walked out and sighed

"daphie... will you talk to me?" vic said rushing up to me


"no.. don't you get it? im done everything i felt and experienced dealing with you?!" she whisper yelled to not drawing attention

"I know and I'm sorry... it was never about the money or because you were a game to me, it was about you, me, us and im not gonna give up daphne even if it takes forever"

she didn't say anything, it was quiet, she walked away again. i wasn't gonna take this anymore, i had to prove i cared.

i ran in front of daphne and held her by her shoulders to keep her in place

"hey you creep get off me" she screamed in my face

this time i said nothing and kissed her in the middle of the hallway. it felt we were the only people in the world. she was hesitant at first but kissed back wrapping her arms around me

"ok you two break it up... hormonal teenagers"a teacher said pulling us away from each other, when i looked at daph it had been the first time she had smiled at me since forever.

amber walked over and she looked pissed

"vic what the fuck, you are seriously risking us? our friendship and your reputation for this loony?" she said raging

"hey watch your mouth when your talking about my girl" i said putting my arm around daph

amber turned away, she was mad as ever people were just staring before the intercom went off

"go to class!" principal wildstein yelled, as everyone rushed to class i just stood there smiling at daphie

"so im your girl now wonder boy?" she said smiling up at me

"you got it babe" i said winking at walking her to class


what a journey ahhh!! so a jaden walton, shawn hunter and guy germaine fics are in the works. those should be longer for you guys to enjoy.

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𝟏𝟎 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔― vic de phillipi Where stories live. Discover now