Chapter 2: Shedding Tears

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"Why should we tell you? You're a complete stranger, in fact, a creep!" Vanessa barked, trying to calm down the rest of us. I could tell she was just as scared as we all were, but she wanted to stand up for us and try to be the tougher figure.

"Oh my, such harsh words! Well, anybody likes a good horror story. Horror is such a fascinating genre! Isn't it? So many things can happen!" I could tell the other two were ready to run off, I had the same feeling, but I started to calm down and feel a little more at ease with the topic of horror. I'm a horror buff, and horror stories are my favorite!

"Y-Yeah! Horror stories are pretty cool, my favorite horror story would be Silence of the Lambs!" The man smiled warmly, happy to hear my response.

"Ah, wow! That's a very good story, very intriguing indeed. I have many favorites, such as The Shining." My eyes lit up in delight hearing that. It's another favorite story of mine!

"Really? I love that story too! It's pretty scary, but an awesome story nonetheless!" I smiled, feeling fear leave my body. For some reason, I felt comfortable around this man and talking to him... He looked shady, sure, but we were taught to never judge a book by its cover.

"Alright, we gotta get going. Let's go, Katrina," She quickly grabs my arm and pulls me towards her unexpectedly, causing me to almost fall. "You ever come near us again, I'm calling the cops or kicking your ass myself." The man's smile faded, not appreciating what she said. There was an uncomfortable silence, I pulled my arm away from her and snapped at her.

"Show some kindness to him! He didn't do anything wrong! Did he hurt you? No! Did he hurt us? No!"

"He may not have hurt us, but look at him!" She points to the man as he stands there, listening to our argument. "He looks shady as hell! What kind of person just approaches you and asks if you like horror stories?!"

"Anybody could do that! You don't know if it's for a survey or if he's just looking for someone to share an interest with!!" She goes speechless, too angry to say anything. Emily stands behind Vanessa, speechless as well. She didn't want to intervene with the argument, which is a good idea in my opinion.

"Fine, whatever... Stay with him, me and Emily are gonna go home. Don't come crying to us if something happens. This right here definitely shows how much of a fake friend you are. Maybe you're just as creepy as he is... Open your eyes for once, Katrina. Not everybody in this world is kind." I felt anger rising in me again, but I didn't wanna bother saying anything. I felt extremely hurt and wanted to go back with her and Emily now, but after the argument we just had, I'm sure she doesn't wanna see me for a while. She turned around and grabs Emily's hand, walking out of the alleyway. Tears form in my eyes as I was about to break down until I felt the man gently touch my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

"There, there. Don't listen to her, you are a wonderful lady. There aren't many people out there who see kindness in this cruel world nowadays. You are one of those special souls who try to see the good in everybody, and that is a splendid trait to have!" He softly smiles. I let out a small smile while a tear dripped onto my cheek from holding back my tears so hard. My lip was quivering and I burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. He gently gives me a hug, softly patting my back.

"You did nothing wrong, my dear. You have a kind, soft heart for others. You aren't as cold and harsh as her..." He spoke. I tried mustering up the courage to respond to him.

"I-I was originally just going for a jog... I really liked how it looked outside, I love nature... The harsh lady you heard, h-her name is Vanessa, and the other one is her girlfriend, E-Emily..." I stuttered. I took a deep breath, trying to remain calm and stop crying. "I barely talk to them because of work... A-And we were having a really fun time going on a jog and talking, hanging out again..." Tears filled my eyes as the whole event flashed into my head. "And now I pissed her off...! She thinks of me as a fake friend now, a-and now... Sh-She probably doesn't wanna be near me ever again..! What kind of friend am I?! Maybe I should've gone back to her! Maybe I shouldn't have answered your question in the first place, if I just kept my mouth shut, none of this would've happened!!" I collapsed onto my knees, continuing to sob uncontrollably. The man stood there for a few minutes, watching me cry. It felt like I was making him uncomfortable, and I wanted to stop crying, but I couldn't. My emotions took hold of me and I needed to let it all out. He walked over to me and goes onto his knees as well in front of me, gently placing his hands on my shoulders.

"I-I'm sorry, you shouldn't see me crying... This is embarrassing, I-I'm probably making you uncomfortable! I'm so sorry!" I wiped away my tears and tried collecting myself. I expected him to not say anything or give an uncomfortable response, but he didn't do that. Rather, he softly smiled and continued trying to lift my spirits up.

"You shouldn't apologize, dear. I know how you feel. I've been there. Your own friends don't accept your kind heart and probably question you for your liking of horror... They don't seem like friends at all. You deserve better people in your life. Healthier people, that is," He paused, waiting for a reaction from me. I sniffled and remained silent. "But I love your kind heart. Unfortunately, a kind heart like yours is seen as a target for mean, selfish people like Vanessa and Emily. You don't deserve to be hurt like that. You deserve happiness." He smiles and gently gives me a hug again. I sat still for a few seconds, then hugged him back with happy tears collecting in my eyes. A tear goes down my cheek in joy.

"Thank you... Very much... Aah, I should probably get going. But thank you for helping me feel better." I lightly smiled and stood up, wiping away the tear. He quickly stood up, almost in an attempt to stop me from going in front of him.

"Wait! Before you go, wouldn't you like to hear a horror story to help clear your mind?" He asked. It was a sudden question and I wanted to say no, but... Part of me wanted to say yes. It was so sudden and I didn't know this guy super well, so anything could happen. This could be a trap. But that horror-loving side of me begged me to say yes... The afternoon was so crappy and chaotic, a good horror story would be great to hear. I sighed and said sure, seeing his soft smile turn into a grin. That creepy, uncanny grin from before...

"Great! That makes me feel much happier. Now, follow me. I have the perfect spot where we can't be disturbed whatsoever." He held out his hand, hoping for me to take it. With hesitation, I did.

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