
80 17 30

If you and I
Were both a bird,
We'd soar into the sky,
Disappearing into the clouds.

We'd harmonize our wings,
So they flapped in sync,
Beating in perfect melody
To the crashing waves below.

And suddenly, you'd fly
A bit ahead of me,
And I'd be very eager
To catch up to you.

You'd fly even farther ahead,
Making me even more anxious.
I don't want to lose you,
Not again.

And then,
In the flash of an instant,
My wing gets caught on a tree branch,
And I cone crashing to the ground.

You simply shake it off
As I watch you fly away,
Leaving me stranded,
On the cold hard ground.

And then,
I finally begin to realize,
That all you could ever make me
Is a bird with a broken wing.

I've had this idea for a while, hope you enjoy!

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