Wanda and Pietro Maximoff's sister from LA comes to New York to sing at a party but what happens when they need her help? Will there be issues, will she be able to control her powers, will she be able to control her emotions?
Y/n's Pov: It's sunday and I wake up in my apartment to my alarm going off at 8 am. I get up, shower, brush my teeth, use the bathroom and do my makeup. When I walk out of the bathroom, I'm greeted by my dog Biscuit. I pet his head and get dressed. I end up looking like this.
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when I finish giving Biscuit his kibble I walk outside to the limo and go to Poppy + Rose for breakfast where I'm greeted by some fans. I take a few pictures with them and avoid talking to the paparazzi, when I finish my food I start heading toward the staples center to get ready for my preformance at the Grammy's later tonight.
-Meanwhile in New York-
Wanda's POV: Pietro has not stopped talking about Y/n's Preformance tonight! He's so excited for her and so am I, I just wish he would dial it down a bit.
(W: Wanda P: Pietro)
P: GUYS ONLY 2 HOURS LEFT! W: Pietro we know! We've got the snacks and our "I Heart Y/n" merch! P: I know im just so happy for her.
(B: Bucky)
B: Yea maybe a little too happy. P: Impossible!
-Time skip: 2 mins until you go on-
(TO: Thor TS: Tony PP: Peter SL: Scott everyone else is just the first letter of their name)
TS: Guys she goes on in 2 minutes N: Ok. Wait wheres Thor? PP: He said he was going to be in Asgard late so idk if he'll make it.. W: typical B: Guys shut up its starting P: WOO GO Y/N!
(E: Everyone)
(skip to 2:24 thats your preformance)
-Thor walks in just before its over- TO: Who's that girl? She's incredible! Thor didn't see you on the screen, he only heard you
S: -jumps- God Thor! L: Thats Wanda and Pietro's sister Y/n TO: Do you guys think you could call her? I'd love to have her preform at my birthday party on Wednesday. W: Yea sure we'll ask her TO: Thanks!
-1 hour later- Y/n's POV: I just got home from the Grammy's, I preformed again with Machine Gun Kelly and I won 3 Grammys. I changed into my pjs and took off my makeup. This was my outfit
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When I finished changing I gave Biscuit his night time kibble, when he finished eating we both layed down in my bed. I turned on "IT" and snuggled into my blanket with him next to me. About 20 minutes into the movie I get a text from Wanda.
Witchy <3 Hey sis! You did amazing at the Grammy's tonight!
Me Thanks Wanda! That means a lot coming from you
Witchy <3 Ofc! Um so my friend Thor is having a birthday party on Wednesday and I was wondering if you would preform? Pietro and I will both be there!
Me Sure! You know I'd do anything for you Wands. I'll fly out tommorrow morning. I should be there by noon.
Witchy <3 OMG YAY! I cant wait to see you!
Me Me niether! I'll see you tmrw! Love you <33
Witchy <3 See you then! Love you too <3
-end of texts-
I finish texting Wanda then I call the company in charge of my jet and tell them I need an early flight tommorrow. They comfirm my flight and I go pack my bags with a weeks worth of clothes and go back to my bed. I finish up the movie and the fall asleep next to my pup. ____________________________________________
Creator: Word Count: 592 I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Lmk about any grammatical or spelling errors. Thats all from me my loves <33