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Y/n POV:
We have just left the Compound and started heading to Starbucks. When we got there, we pulled into the parking lot and figured out what we wanted. We all figured out what we wanted and went inside to order. The order came out to $29.43 and of course I paid. We all got...


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The whole time we were in there I kept noticing the way that the barista was looking at Thor, she would keep batting her eyes and twirling her hair. Frankly it was sad to watch because Thor didn't think anything of it, he was just the way he nomally is... a goober. After our drinks came out, the barista printed my name on a sticker for the cups because it was my card, then she wrote her phone number on Thor's cup. He just looked at her and smiled akwardly, then we went back to the car all laughing at him. We drank our drinks some and the driver started driving to the mall.

-Time skip: At the mall-

We finally arrived after about a 10 minute drive.

N: C'mon lets go!
Y: Yessss!

We walked into the mall and started walking around.

L: Ok so Y/n, where do you wanna go?
Y: Well...I accidently only packed 1 set of under wear, do u guys mind if we stop in Victoria's Secret?
N,L&SL: Not at all.
N: Let's start walking now.

Nat, Loki, and Scott all start walking in the direction of Victoria's Secret, I start to follow them but see that Thor is awkwardly not moving.

Y: You coming?
TO: I don't know...don't you think it would be quite awkward to be a man in a lady's garment store?
Y: Not at all! I mean for Scott yes, but for a normal person absolutely not.
TO: I don't know...
Y: Ugh cmon you big goof!

I take him by his hand and start dragging him with me.

Paparazzi POV:
I see Y/n Maximoff and some strong guy walking together, holding hands! This could be the perfect story. "Y/n's new boo" it's perfect! My viewers are going to be eating this up and her hardcore fans are going to be ripping him apart. I wait until I see her look at him to give it the effect of "Love" and then take the picture. I quickly walk away and sit on a bench editing and writing what I "saw".

Thor POV:
When Y/n grabs my hand she starts dragging me toward Victoria's Secret. The last time I was there Natasha refused to tell me what the secret was. she kept saying "Thor it's called a secret for a reason!" but anyway... off we go. We keep walking and then after 5 minutes we arrive.

L: There you guys are!
SL: Ya, we were starting to worry bestie!
TO: Apologies I-
Y: -wanted to stop for a pretzel!

She cut me off... and thank Odin she did! It would've been really embarrasing if I had to tell everyone that I was shy.

N: Oh ok...thanks a lot for bringing us one!
Y: Sorry!

Y/n POV:
Nat just laughs it off and I laugh with her. When we walk in Thor and Nat walk to the section where they had the 28B bras where, because that wa Nat's size. While Loki, Scott and I head to section where they had the 26D sizes for me.

Y: Ok so...
L: Pleaseeee
Y: Do you guys want to-
Y&L: ...
SL: I know, no more coffee
L: Good idea
Y: Ok, Ok! get to shopping you too!

Loki and Scott immediatley run off and start shopping. I just laugh at their excitement. Recently Loki told be about how he's gender fluid, but he also mentioned that he had been thinking about transitioning and that I was the first person he told. He wasn't all to sure if that Is completley the road he wanted to go down but he was keeping it in mind. I told him that he shouldn't worry about what some people may think because he is who he wants to be and that what ever he decided I and everyone who loves him will support him. While Loki and Scott were off bra shopping, I went to the section where they keep the perfume and body scub and I picked out a few things. After about 30 minutes Nat and Thor finished shopping and Nat had to have bought like 15 bras and 10 pairs of panties. Like 5 minutes after they checked out Scott and Loki came up to me, each with at least 10 of both. I laughed at them and they laughed back. We walked up to the counter to check out, and then it happened...

(Cash: Cashier)
Cash: That'll be- Hold up are you Y/N MAXIMOFF!
Y: -I laugh- That's my name, don't wear it out though
Cash: Is it true your dating that Thor guy?!
L: What're you talking about...
SL: uhh Y/n...
Y: What?
L: -walks over to Scott- Oh god... you might wanna see this..

I walk over to see what they're talking about and I see a Picture of Me and Thor holding hands like we're about to kiss and the post is labeled "Thank's for the inside scoop Odinson." I was infuriated. Thor told this paparrazi guy that we were dating?! Why? To get clout probably..god that's all they ever want. Like Pete... and look where he is now! Dating Kim Kardasian.

L: Y/n... are you ok?

I just look at him with tears in my eyes. I hand him my credit card and storm out of the store infuriated. When I get out of the store the first thing I see is Nat and Thor waiting for us. When they see me they me i just know they can tell something's wrong so I walk up to them and immediatley connect my powers to Thor's Hammer and send him flying through the wall, not knowing that my anger leaves my body glowing.


When I shouted a bench flew across the hallway.

N: Woah Y/n calm down! What happened?!
TO: What?! Y/n I didn't I swe-
Y: Save it! I'm going back to the compound!

I give Thor one last look before I sped away and to the compound.
Word Count: 1096
I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Lmk if you have anything you'd like to see in the story, and about any grammar or spelling errors. That's all from me, Until next time my loves <3333

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