Chapter 2

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Last we left off in overlord of one piece luffy after the war of the best luffy had just lost his brother ace to the Admiral Akuinu and after sustaining several injuries luffy was clinically dead for nine minutes and that's were luffy is seen in a pure white void where he makes a vow to become the strongest man in the world and that is when he is met by a cloaked figure telling luffy he will help him achieve his dream and this is where are story starts now!

Void luffy's pov

As we now focus on the deep white void we now see Luffy and the cloak figure talking

Luffy:your a skeleton

???:yes I am what you humans would call me a elder litch but my name is Ainz

Luffy:Well nice meet you Ainz but what do u mean by you'll help me with my dream?

Ainz:beleave it or not you are my reincarnation into this world

Luffy:really? How?

Ainz:When I was in my world I did a spell that when I would die or be erased that my essence would spread through the multiverse and it turns out most of my essence has been fused into you

Luffy:so basically I'm gaining your power

Ainz:Yes exactly why I

But before Ainz could finish speaking too luffy a pillar of flames and a pillar of ice shot upwards in the void startling luffy and then the pillar died down and there stood two figures one dressed in blue and black and the other in black and yellow both looking like ninjas

But before Ainz could finish speaking too luffy a pillar of flames and a pillar of ice shot upwards in the void startling luffy and then the pillar died down and there stood two figures one dressed in blue and black and the other in black and yell...

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???:so we're in the void scorpion

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???:so we're in the void scorpion

Scorpion:true that means the one who will inherit are power is in a death like state subzero

Subzero:indeed and it seems he is right over there next to the litch

And that's when they both looked twords where Ainz and luffy where standing and then they walked twords the two of them but that's when Ainz stood in front of the two blocking them from Luffy and that's when Ainz spoke to the two Ninjas

Ainz:who might you two be?

That's when they introduced them selves to Ainz and luffy

Subzero:I am subzero once the grand master of the Lin Kuei and this is scorpion once grand master of the Shirai Ryu


Subzero:we are here to train that boy there

Ainz: well it seems all three of us have the same goals

Scorpion:yes it seems

Ainz:well let's do this properly then subzero you will train him for 700 years


Ainz:scorpion then scorpion will train him for the next 700 years


Ainz:then I will train him for the final 700 years

That's when they looked back at Luffy who had a shocked look on his face

Scorpion: what's wrong Luffy?

That's when Luffy shouted at the three Infront of him


That's when ainz put his hand on Luffy's shoulder

Ainz:Luffy time in here is different here than it is out there 700 years here is about a week out there so you will only be in here for three weeks


Ainz: now let's begin

And with that Luffy is put through the ringer as his first teacher was the master of the lin kuei sub zero

Subzero:now I shall teach the ways of the lin kuei but first you must be one with the element of ice

That's when the void stated to shift and change until it became a frozen waste land of ice and snow and that's when subzero gave Luffy some work out weights

Subzero: before we do anything I am going to build your body so put on those weights Luffy

Luffy:yes sensei

As Luffy put on the weights it felt like he had boulders on both his rist and both his ankles

Luffy:jeez sensei these are heavy

Subzero:well they should be your rist weights are 300 ponds each and your ankle weights are 500 each so you now have 800 extra pounds add to your body and whenever you get us to it I will add 200 more pounds each to your weights

That's when Luffy gave a I'm so dead look

Subzero: now you will start a 12 mile run then you will do 500 push ups 500 sit ups 500 crunches and then you will do 3 hour's of meditation now let's begin

And with that the first seven hundred years of training begins now

Real World laws Pov

She worked tirelessly for what seemed like hours, and finally, Luffy was stable enough, his wounds were healing at an astonishing rate confirming the strong vitality of the Monkey family. By this point Law was fatigued and collapsed on her own medical bay.

Then after the warlord rested,she opened her eyes to see a ice bearer forming around him that's when law kicked into action as she held out her right hand and that's when a blue circle appears and the she s as I'd this


That's when the circle expanded over the ice bearer and that's when she unsheathed her sword but it didn't even cut the ice wich shocked her

Law: what is happening?

Hey guys hope you enjoy chapter 2 sorry if it took so long I have been going through family issues but the next chapter will be about the training of both subzero scorpion and ainz he will later be trained by raylieh for haki so again hope u enjoy I'll talk to you all later

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