Strange things happen

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I was holidaying in Cornwall. It was the snooker night at the local pub and I decided to go down for a laugh. Not many people played against me, being completely honest, apart from a couple of cocky lads. I was sat in the corner, drinking my pint and eyeing up opponents when a tall, handsome man walked in. He came right over to me. "Do you play snooker?" he asked, in a slow, deep voice. Did he not know who I was? I'd played snooker for England for goodness sake! I replied with a casual "Um yes." As we walked over to the snooker table, I was mesmerised by his beauty. Tangled hair, tanned, a scar on his left cheek which emphasised his high cheekbones. His sleeves were rolled up as he took aim, which meant I could see his big, rippling muscles. I was completely enthralled by this handsome man. "Your go," he said lazily. Taking aim with my cue, I realised my hands were shaking like mad. How did he do this? I couldn't even concentrate on the game anymore, just on him. He probably realised something was up because he asked me if I'd like a drink. "Yes please," I replied weakly. We went up to the bar and he ordered two brandies. I supped mine whilst the handsome stranger downed it all in one go. He paid for them both and left the pub. Later on, I asked the barman who the mysterious snooker player was. "Poldark," he said, "Ross Poldark." "Do you know where I can find him?" I enquired. "Aye no sonny, 'e moves around, no one knows where to. I'll tell ye what, 'e enjoys swimming though. Mebbe if ye look out for 'im on the cliffs or sommat, ye'll find 'im." I gave my thanks and went back home, falling straight asleep. I was going to find Ross Poldark tomorrow.

Lying on cliffs was not my idea of fun. Getting baked by the Cornish sun was not my idea of fun. I'd spent most of the day waiting for Ross, and I was just about to turn back when I heard the crunching of sand and the splash as someone dived into the water. Peering over the side of the cliff, I realised it was Ross. My Ross. As I looked closer, I realised he was swimming stark naked. Did the man own no swimming shorts? I waited whilst he swam around, so I could go down the cliff path to meet him. Finally, he got out. Plucking up my courage to meet the handsome man, I ran down the cliff path. When I got there, the cove was empty. Ross was gone. In the village, I enquired about him, but no one knew where to find him. They all told me the same, "Poldark? 'E doesn't have a set home, jist goes up an' round the county. No one knows where 'e lives."

I spent many days trying to find Ross Poldark. Each result lead me nowhere. He was a handsome stranger, disappeared in the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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