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If someone would tell the brunette girl she would be living in Mystic Falls working as a teacher, she would think the person is insane.

But somehow, life has changed over the years. Yes, she could take advantage of her mother work in New York city and live in the city of dreams and opportunities. But being independent was a strong characteristic of the girl.

Maybe a flaw. But her rule was to never left her wishes die. And her wish was to live however her heart asked. And if her heart is asking her to live in a little town, with not so much population.

Why not?

"I can't believe you're here!" Laura didn't believe it as well. But she was happy. She see's herself on the embrace of her great friend, Jenna Sommers. 

It has been months since the two were together. Before moving to Mystic Falls, Jenna lived with the brunette since the two made their degree together.

"Have you seen the apartment?"

Laura smiled nodding. "It's really cool, I'm finally able to just live my life, have my little space..." She always wanted to live alone! She would find it the edge of her quiet life. "How are the things with you?"

"It's been... A challenge let's say..." Jenna says and Laura chuckles. Jenna was always someone Laura deeply cared. The two met in the beginning of the college, and even Laura being young she ended up being good friends with Jenna.

"You never were good with kids anyway." She shows a playfull side smile to Jenna, who needed to agree. She really wouldn't. "Tell me about that professor!" The brunette asks putting her hand in her chin looking curiously at Jenna.

"Alaric Saltzman. Nice guy, smart. I like him." Jenna smiles at her and both friends looked at Elena arriving.

"Laura, hey!" Elena embraced her aunt friend, Laura was young but she was mature for her age Elena thought. The girl sometimes took care of her and Jeremy, even having a few difference on the age from her. It was not her first time in Mystic Falls. "What brings you here?"

"I'm staying here for a while, find a nice job at the school.", Elena smiles at her feeling happy for her independence.

"What did your mother said?" Jenna asked with a smirk and Laura sighed.

"I can get you so much better in New York, London, Lisbon, Barcelona..." She impersons her mother gestures, making the room filled with laugh already knowing how her mother always wanted to be saving her from the world. "That woman needs an exorcism sometimes."

"Shut up..." Jenna mutters while the doorbell rings and goes towards the door. Laura take a look at Elena, noticing how the girl was beautiful and hiding so well her emotions.

"You don't change... It's a "he"?" Elena stared at Laura with her mouth opened and blinks her eyes. Of course Laura knew. She was the one who encourage Elena to date Matt Donovan.

"This is the one I was talking about!" Jenna appears with a blonde tall man in his 30's, Laura assumed he was Alaric. "Ric, this is Laura, a great friend. Laura, Ric my boyfriend." The girl smiles at her friend excitement and stares at Alaric nodding and greeting him.

"It's a pleasure Alaric. How can you handle Jenna?" She plays and the man chuckles.

"You know... I guess I just have a lot of time and I'm patient." Jenna rolled her eyes.

LAURA, Elijah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now