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Laura spent the entire day taking care of her apartment, buying decoration and organizing her things. The girl was still schocked by what she finds out, truth be told, she didn't really slept all night.

But she couldn't forget what always make her go ahead, friendship. And she, Miranda and Jenna were always close. So the most important thing for her right now, was to be there for Jenna, and also Elena.

A knock on the door made her stop washing her dishes and look at the time cursing herself. She opens it and sighs seeing Alaric.

"According to Jenna I'll figure it out you're... Late?" The brunette smiles a little and shruggs nodding.

"I'm just taking the chocolat cake and we're going okay?" Alaric nods entering the house and looking around. "I'm sorry it's still a mess I couldn't handle it, so I bought new stuff."

Alaric snorts looking at the house still with some packages. "She told me that too." The two laughed and Laura wears a long jacket taking the cake in a recipient. "I can help."


The two were talking all the ride about Alaric search of vampires, and the man was detailing everything from Isobel research, to the moonstone.

They finally arrived and Elena opened the door for them. "Hey..." The girl smiles sadly taking the cake Alaric held. "Oh Gosh I'm eating all of this!"

Laura embraced Jenna, holding her and apologize when she moans. She looks at her friend, realizing she had no idea about was really was going on.

The three were sitted in the couch eating pizza while Alaric went to the kitchen. "I feel like an invalid" Jenna says staring at the tv annoyed.

"That's because you are invalid." Elena looks at the look of disaproval of Laura and sighs. "Where's Jeremy? Isn't he hungry?"

"He already left for the Lockwood party" Laura furrows her eyebrows at them.

"They still do that?" Jenna nods at her friend chuckling. Laura remembers going into some.

"He went to that?"

"Yeah, but I'm glad." Jenna replies staring at the doppelganger "He needs to have more fun. Lose some of that emo thing"

"I'm gonna get some napkins" Elena says going towards the kitchen.

"He's not an emo. We were way worst at the college!" Laura comments and Jenna mades a sound of agreement.

"Do you remember when you're ex Alan went like crazy taking us home after that party on the university?"

"Gosh, that scene was awful." Laura widens her eyes at her laughing friend. "You throw up in my bed. And then you throw up again on me!"


After a while, Elena decides to go to bed and Laura went to her home. She was feeling tired and tomorrow she would have classes to give, on English.

"Miranda must be freaking out on that grave seeing her daughter sleeping outside", She comments as she see's Elena walking towards her car.

The brunette stops staring and slowly turns her head to the brunette. "Caught. You promise you won't tell?"

"If you're going to have savage sex I do promise. But something tells me it's not that.", She narrows her eyes getting her keys and opening her car door. "You're grown up Elena. But you realize how wrong this is... Right?"

Elena furrows her eyebrows gulping and looking to her side.

"I know you're young but... You realize it's not supposed them walking between us, right? I mean... I'm still freaked out by they even existing. But dating one?"

LAURA, Elijah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now