A bustling world of beauty...a bustling world of opportunity...a world full of water.
Agua de Correrando. Its prestige and environment held up to its name. Beautiful waters surrounded the city, and they were all running. They were running to the fountains, they were running to the roads, running to the businesses, running to the faraway towns; they were also running to death.
It was once said that all good things must come to an end, and this place was one of them. People laughing, cheering, celebrating, all of it would soon be gone.
For what can one hold forever?
They must put it down eventually.
Russel was standing in a crowd full of excited people waiting to see the new release of a new video game. People were laughing, cheering, celebrating, but yet they had no idea what was about to come.
She was standing there, and suddenly-a man shouted.
"Welcome everybody! We hope you're having a good day today! The release of the new video game that you've all been waiting for will commence in 10 seconds! Once I count to zero, everybody here has to go and hide! Once you see one of our "zombies," or when one of our "zombies" finds you, zap them with your laser, and grab one of the video game codes from their hands!"
The crowd waited anxiously, and then the timer began.
The people ran in all sorts of directions, and Russel ran into a tree-ouch! Man, she had always been so darn clumsy!
She looked to her left, and she looked to her right: no zombies in sight!
Then, a bush rattled, but Russel didn't hear, so she walked into a cave full of props for the event.
There were toys, posters, and..."oh boy!"
Russel had finally found one of their zombies, but this one didn't look like the zombies she saw on the promotional poster. In fact, it looked NOTHING like the ones on the promotional poster.
This one was pale, clearly tired, and it had no bulging yellow eyes, it had blue eyes.
However, it didn't concern Russel, so she went to go zap it and try to get a code from it anyways, thinking that "Eh, maybe the poster is for something else."
Oh, the curse of being full of ignorance.
One man ruins it for everyone. One man destroys it all. One man cannot hide his impulses, and instead decides to take them out on others for his own benefit. No man is evil, but every man is flawed.
One man, can construct the roots of a beauty, one man, can steal its pearl.
Mystery / ThrillerA zombie apocalypse has broken out within the city of Agua de Correrando. One day, during the emergency, an unsuspecting man meets Manya; a girl who works in one of the southern hospitals. While attempting to get treatment for his broken leg, he fin...