Chapter 9

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"What do you mean you're on top of a skyscraper?!" Greg's distressed voice played through Yuta's tablet.

"Its fine!" Yuta replied, shooing him with her palm – the gesture went unnoticed. "It looked cool so I sat at the top."

"How'd you even get there?!"

"Oh you know, I walked." Yuta's voice was drenched with sarcasm. She was met with silence, so she gave him the honest answer. "I used my wings to fly here, dumbass!"

"You need to stay in bed, you're in pain! You-"

"Okay mum, I don't want to stay in bed all day. I want to stay active just in case I need to fight Negative Emotions soon. Plus, I haven't stretched my wings like this for ages."

"You sound out of breath." Greg pointed out.

"That's because I flew for an hour straight-"

"AN HOUR?!" Greg's pitched voice cackled through the speaker; Yuta reeled the tablet away from her.

"How'd you think I found this building? It's not next door to us, Greg."

"Veggie." Greg scolded, before he sighed. "Can you start heading back now? You shouldn't be flying for that long in the middle of your transition."

Yuta groaned. "Why? The view here is very pretty."

"Yuta Kishi."

"Fine, I'll leave." Yuta rolled her eyes as she scoffed, as she bid farewell to Greg and hung up. She then recalled that very morning before she left:

She had woken up early after their childish bicker on the couch, she found herself laid along the couch with Greg sprawled on top of her. Her body ached from his weight, as she lightly shoved him off her. She needed fresh air, so she summoned her wings and opened the window. She crouched on the windowsill, before she swivelled her head around. She remembered glancing towards Greg's face, he didn't seem bothered from the loss. Yuta remembered smiling towards him before she left.

Yuta placed her tablet back into her shoulder bag as she stood up, slightly curling in herself as she clutched her abdomen. She'll stand by her word of keeping fit, but maybe she pushed herself a bit too far, since she only started her transition a couple of days ago. She glanced towards the arisen sun; her face beamed.

When she first arrived at the skyscraper, she remembered all the beautiful colours she saw. It almost seemed someone had grabbed a palette full of assorted colours and created a masterpiece along the sky. It gave her motivation to wake up earlier just to bask in the mixture of colours – it also made her consider what her favourite colour was from the experience.

She walked along the railing edge, towering over the small cars zooming by the square. Noise already accumulated the area, as it echoed through every nook and cranny of the city. Yuta secured her shoulder bag and took off, glancing towards the skyscraper before it disappeared from her vision.

Halfway through her trip back, Yuta's wings faltered. A heavy pit formed in her stomach; her wings were on the verge of giving out. She swiftly landed in an empty plain and hid her wings. She walked aimlessly for ten minutes before she found a stray road. She followed the burning road, as she stumbled upon a fairly large town. It was a lot busier than she anticipated, as she entered the town. The empty road she walked along turned into one banked with cars. She moved to the pavement and went deeper within the buildings. She found a small cafe and entered, the doorbell ringing to announce her arrival. She sat at a table of two and hunched over herself. Her back ached from both her transitional pain and wing exhaustion. Yuta subconsciously crossed her legs, before spreading them back out. That hurt like a bitch!

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