Aster Fox Quinn

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FULL NAME: Aster Fox Quinn

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FULL NAME: Aster Fox Quinn


NICKNAMES. Az, Ace, Azzy (Only to Mika), Star (To his s/o(s))

AGE: 17

GENDER: Intersex (Presents as male)


SEXUALITY: Ceterosexual, Polyamorous

PHYSICAL HEALTH. Arthritis, Anorexia

PHYSICAL CONDITION. Arthritis, Blind in one eye.

MENTAL HEALTH: BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), Depression

FACIAL DETAILS: Scar across his lip, heterochromia (Milk chocolate brown and silver-grey)


PERSONALITY: Aster is an asshole most of the time but he's also very social and enjoys talking to people. If he's VERY close to someone, he will trust them enough to be vulnerable around them.

BACKSTORY: Aster and Mika grew up in an orphanage and were adopted when she was 5 and he was 4; the two's adoptive parents were very loving but sadly; their mom was murdered when Mika was 11 and he was 10. Their dad grew a bit more distant after that but he still loved and took care of them.

LIKES: Spending time with Mika, cooking, socializing

DISLIKES: Being ignored, being vulnerable.

HOBBIES: Gaming, cooking, going on walks

FEARS: Being vulnerable, Mika deciding that he doesn't like him anymore, getting close to anyone, has abandonment and trust issues, Autophobia

WEAKNESSES: His sibling getting hurt, he pushes people away, he's a jerk

STRENGTHS. His pride, words of affirmation, his sibling


"Oh *please*, you think you can defeat *me*? Pathetic, honestly."
"God, you're so annoying."
"Mind your own buisness, moron!"
"...You're leaving already...?"

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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