Chapter 2 - New Friends

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Chapter 2

I hate biology.

It always had its own ways to make me sick. To make matters worse we have to dissect a cow eye tomorrow. All the guys seemed thrilled and some of the girls did to. I was disgusted.

I didn't get why teachesr makes us do things we don't want too. I never said I wanted to see blood and guts from a poor innocent animal, and how does this really help us in life?

I walked out of the bio lab grimacing to my self. I wasn't watching where I was going and I bumped into a hard wall. Actually, it wasn't a hard wall, more like hard abs. I looked up slightly and saw Tristan looking down at me with a stupid grin on his face.

"If you wanted to be this close to me you could have just told me," he said taking my hand in his and bringing it up to his soft lips and kissing it. At first I was completely mesmerized and then I got a hold of myself and snapped out of it.

"What do you think you're doing?" I snapped pulling my hand out of his. I glared at him as he chuckled softly. His laugh was just so sexy, I thought I was drooling. Just to check, I touched the corner of my mouth.

"You know you liked it," he winked at me and I mentally sighed. How can one guy have this type of affect on me? I walked passed him and went on my way to my next class. I stopped in the A hall and headed to my trigonometry class. I was happy that I actually got to take that class here. In most schools they wouldn't let a sophomore take a senior course.

I stopped at the door and looked in the classroom, seeing about twenty seats. I guess they only had a few students in each class. The teacher spotted me and waved me in. I headed in shyly and everyone stared at me intently. I smiled at the middle aged man. He had brown hair that was starting to speckle gray, and a few wrinkles here and there. Overall he was quite good-looking for his age. He gave me a soft smile and asked me to introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Alyssa Jones and I just moved from Colorado," I spat out awkwardly.

"That must explain, why shes so pale and gross looking," I heard a girl whisper to, I'm assuming one of her friends. I walked past her seat and she tried to trip me with one of her 8" heels. I stepped over her foot and sat in the back next to a familiar face. I just couldn't recognize who it was. I was staring at him a little bit to long. I looked away and blushed.

"You don't remember me? From this morning?" He asked as I turned towards him. I racked my brain for some type of memory, then it hit me. He was the cute,shy one. I smiled at him as he searched my eyes.

"I do remember, now. Aren't you Ashton?" I questioned, hoping I was right. I must have been because his face lit up with a big beautiful smile. It wasn't like the one his friend gave me earlier, obnoxious and cocky, but his was sweet and charming. I decided then and there that he was my favorite.

"I'm glad you didn't forget me," He said shyly and I smiled and touched his hand.

"So, are you a senior?" I asked. He must be, considering the fact that he is in this trig class.

"No, I'm a sophomore," he said nonchalantly and I gaped at him. I wasn't the only sophomore in this class? I gave him a once over. He doesn't look like the smart type. I guess hot guys can be smart as well. "Thanks for checking me out," he said with a grin. It was so cute, I bet if it were one of his ignorant friends I would have glared and smacked them. He just seemed different though.

"Sorry, it was noticeable?" I asked looking at him already knowing the answer. He laughed and I laughed along with him.

"Excuse me, we would like to hear the thought that was so funny to disrupt my class," Mr. uh.. I don't even know my teachers name. I looked up and gulped staring at Ashton for some help.

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