Chapter Thirteen - Prison Life

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(Brayden's POV again)

It's been two days, two boring days filled with just waiting. I've managed to keep my head down and stay out of prison drama, thank goodness for that. My cellmate sucks. He is probably one of the worst people to get stuck in a tiny, cramped cell with. He makes our entire cell stink and thinks he's boss over everyone and everything, he's so full of himself! Our cell has one small toilet and a sink, and a bunkbed that's mattresses are hard as rock. My cellmate's name is Hugo, and he causes the majority of the drama in this entire prison. He starts fights over losing bets, he bets way too often in my opinion. He's the kinda guy you'd expect to see in a prison, however I'm not. I'm not covered in tattoos, and I'm not tall and I don't have broad shoulders, honestly, I look much more like a child than anyone else here. Although I'm only 14 so that makes sense, everyone else is probably older than me. They don't send me or anyone I work with to juvenile because we're too dangerous. Koko can beat up anyone in any way she likes, I've seen her beat up like a thousand people, a thousand different ways. She also is an escape artist and has broken out of prison the 64 times she with put there, and she has a habit of getting away with large robberies and fake ID scams. Henry has always been the child, he plays around with dangerous weapons, such as guns and daggers, and knows how to use most dangerous, as he calls them, 'toys', He's also incredibly sneaky and can get into anywhere, and I mean that. Oakley and Violet are young and incredibly tiny, and skinny, so they can fit into air vents, that most people cannot fit into, so if they were caught, they would be thrown here too. I'm like the archer/supplier of things we need, kinda an errand boy, if you had to give it a proper name. I can shoot any target and hit it, even moving ones. I can hit things, buildings, people, animals, you name it. I also have about 1,967 different suppliers, all of which have never been caught by the police, so I can get away with large amounts of illegal weapons/Henry's dangerous 'toys' and various other things to help us steal things.

"Everyone in the cafeteria, NOW!" I hear a guard yell over the loudspeakers. I sigh, prison life sucks. I get up from my bed, the top of the bunk, and climb down the ladder. I make my way over to the cell bars and hold out my hands through the bars, waiting for a guard to come and cuff me. After a few minutes a guard comes to my door and cuffs my hands, that are still through the bars, I was now stuck. They do the same thing to Hugo and unlock the cell door; they open it and enter our cell. They unlock my left hand and put a different set of cuffs on it and place it behind my back. They hold it there, tightly pressing it into my upper back, it's painful but I can manage it. They then unlock my right hand and place it also into my back, and cuff it with my left hand. They do Hugo's extra tight as they know his shangins and they grab us by our handcuffs and lead us to the cafeteria. We eat in silence, not daring to say a thing. After about twenty minutes the guard comes up to us and yells, "HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK, NOW!" We do as told and get handcuffed yet again and we're led back to our cell. Once the guard leaves, we go to our beds and wait for the next announcement. Sure enough, after five minutes the lights flicker out and an announcement comes through the loudspeakers.


Another day of prison life is finally done.

Author here, I think my chapters are getting better lol, have a great day/night and look after yourselves! See you soon 😊

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