Beacon of the Dark (Part 8)

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You couldn't believe what you had let Loki do to you through the night.. 

You practically had a permanent blush on your face as you went about your day..

It wasn't until you reached the main hallways that you noticed the peculiar looks coming from the other Gods.


You wondered what they knew or what they didn't know..

It had you worried as you fidgeted with the fabric of your gown.

Something felt off.

 Like you were to blame for something bad.

"You'd better watch yourself Goddess.. 

You jolted hearing that comment directed your way.

..medaling with that sort of folk.. could get us all killed or worse." One of the lesser Gods sneered at you. 

A pit formed in your stomach hearing him say this.

You realized he were referring to Loki and what problems this might give rise to.

You could sense it were only coming from their underlying fears.. he worried of forbidding wars.. loss of balance in the realms.. loss of balance in the thrones..

 You could feel his very emotions just by looking into him.

You were quite caught off guard though not realizing they had all alienated you..

All for their misunderstandings of Loki..

Were they blaming you for that attacks of the Jotun on Asgard?

You were at a loss of words not knowing how to respond to such a situation as you glanced around meeting all their gazes..

None would say it but you could feel the animosity and tension in the air.

They were blaming you for bringing danger upon them all when you were supposed to be a figure of peace and protection..

Strange how soon fear could turn those against one another .. It saddened you to see this.

"Mind your tongue and manner  when discussing such folk" a venomous voice hissed from beside you as Loki had shown up.

The look on his face suggested he weren't playing around and you could tell he were furious.

Those around you drew back slightly not expecting his appearance. Their eyes quickly averted in both fear and respect.

Like the night itself had crept in..

 The shadows grew from the depths of the room and spread across it flickering with hints of his magic.

You could sense the terror igniting within as they realized he may very well kill them for this.

Loki were practically fixated on them when he felt a warm hand delicately grasp his.

He halted looking to you in surprise.

You didn't have to say anything he just knew.

His gaze lingered on yours before reverting back to its mischievous ways.

He glanced back to the other Gods.

"Keep in mind she is the only thing protecting you right now. The very one you seek to blame" He said with a lighthearted smile which only made the warning all the more terrifying.

You were a little surprised..

 He really intended to stick by you no matter the circumstances.

The one who'd spoken to you earlier hesitantly looked your way without meeting your eyes. 

He could feel Loki watching him like a hawk ensuring he delivered the proper respect. He was scared to even look at you in front of Loki.

Loki grinned just seeing this. 

How amusing he thought.

"My deepest apologies Goddess, I lost my manner and spoke out of place" he gave the smallest bow for an apology. He didn't intend to do it again.

He half glanced at the way Loki had touched you.

The ones behind him couldn't believe they were seeing the two of you beside one another.

They struggled to process such a contrary bond..

"You needn't blame yourself, I once felt those same fears as you. But you must understand.." you drifted. You were still a little uncertain how to word things.

You didn't want to state something which Loki did not agree to..

"You must see that her and I balance each other out. The only cause for war would be if something were to happen to her.. you wouldn't want that, now would you? Hmm?" he trailed putting fear in their hearts as they looked to you with a new hope... the last thing they wanted were Loki unleashing his wraths.

You let out the smallest sigh to his tactics yet the longer you looked at him the more you felt peace in your heart. He would always be this way but you'd make sure to be there to keep him out of trouble.

His eyes flickered your way and you caught the mischievous glint in his eyes.

Despite his ways; It seemed he'd make sure to protect you at all costs.

It brought peace to your heart knowing he had changed his mind on account of you. 

You only wished Baldr could see this change you'd brought upon the realm..

It certainly didn't unfold the way he would have wanted; but part of you just wanted to think that he'd be proud of his student.


Record of Ragnarok Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now