meeting 😶

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Holy shit your meeting them

You met them while on anime island helping a friend buy stuff, he stopped running and took a small break from running trying to find Mario, he also noticed you stareing at him and you apologized about it and he said it was fine, you became friends!

You was with smg4 talking about some new memes and such until smg3 came outta nowhere because he couldn't find Terrence (idk). But Terrence was behind you making his sounds. Circling around you. He was not worried anymore because he was safe and sound. You and him became friends!

(Ik sakio gave them the... dumpster but your taking sakios position for this lol)
Smg1 and smg2: you was taking them to a "room" and you kinda made small talk with them until you showed them there place, they thanked you and jumped in doing god knows what... But you became friends with them! :D

Axol: you was at his autograph stand and you gave him a price of paper that you had drawn (it was axol fanart lol) and guess what! He liked it alot that he gave you a fanmade inkweaver! And you became friends!! :)

Melony: you was tired...alot... And you didn't know that a girl fell on you. You thought it was Tari but I wasn't, it was someone new! But you was to tired to do anything so you just letted them sleep on you, she also hugged you thinking you was a teddy bear lol
You both woke up and y'all became friends 👍

Sakio: you was already friends before you meet smg4 lol 👍👍

Bob: your friend on crack was telling you about who gave him the plant, he said it was someone named Bob. He took you to them and told Bob and you, "dOeS (he/she) LiKe AnImE?!" You said yes and he like you now 👍 your friends with him now

Meggy: you was working on a splatgun that was broken and a inkling came in asking for a upgrade to her gun, you agreed to do it, it took you 3 mins to add some stuff on the thing and you gave it back to her, he hugged you behind the counter lol (and you became friends 👍)

You was a fellow demon/virius that nobody knew about, except zero, you friend because your BOTH STUCK IN SMG1S POD

Tari: you both play videogames together.

Luigi: you hosted a spirit yoga thing and afew people came, one caught your eye and boy. WAS HE GOOD AT THIS SHIT! you both became friends 👍👍👍

Mario: your already friends somehow 😶


Next chapter: they hang out with you!

basically smg4 scenarios 👍Where stories live. Discover now