I Hate Secrets

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When the Awesome Ones arrived at Philomena's office Kravitz was waiting outside waiting for them. "Hi, Kravitz. So do you have any idea why Philomena wants us?" Dan asked barely keeping the anger out of his voice "Yes, Dan, I do. Now please come in." She answered with an unreadable expression on her face "Um, OK." He replied as they all followed their supervisor into the office. "Ah, Awesome Ones. Welcome." Philomena greeted them "Hi, Philomena." Lia said through gritted teeth "So, I suppose you're all wondering why you're here," She said. "Not really." Dan muttered quietly.

"Well I've been told that you've run into Magnus and Emily. So let me start by saying that I apologise for keeping their presence here a secret." The creepy lady started. "Oh really? Are you?" Lia asked angrily "Why don't you start with explaining why you didn't tell us they were here and don't you dare try and tell us any of your lies." She spat out "Of course. So, as I'm sure Emily's already told you, after your battle Magnus collapsed and entered a coma, he only awoke yesterday afternoon. But since he was still asleep, we didn't think there was point in telling you and we didn't want to distract all of you from your work here." She explained.

"That... that actually kind of makes sense." Wynton said "I understand if you all now have doubts about joining us and trusting us but I hope that you all will consider giving us a second chance." "We'll think about it." Dan replied "That's all I ask." She said before they all walked out of Philomena's office. "That was surprisingly sincere." Shun said "I agree with Shun. It did seem like she was telling the truth in there." Wynton agreed. "Guys, we can't fall for her tricks!" Lia exclaimed "Calm down, Lia. We're not falling for anything. She could actually be telling the truth!" Wynton protested.

"I cannot believe you two!" Dan shouted as he rounded on them, visibly shaking with anger "How could you say that she's telling the truth! Philomena is a dirty liar! She's just trying to manipulate us to do her bidding!" "Dan we're not saying that she's innocent. We're just saying that we should be open to the possibility that she's telling the truth." Shun mediated "No! We shouldn't be open to that possibility because that's never been a possibility, Shun!" The pyrus brawler snapped then his eyes widened in realization "Sh-Shun. I-I didn't mean to-" "I-It's fine, Dan." The aquos brawler smiled sadly.

Suddenly Lightning barked and one of his bakugan flew out and said, "Lightning says, 'We should all be focused on finding the core cell and not be fighting with each other. Philomena is the enemy here and we should be fighting against her not ourselves." "Lightning's right," Lia sighed bending down to stroke him "Good boy, Lightning. You're getting some treats when we get back to Studio D." The dog barked in excitement "Yeah, he is right. It doesn't really matter if Philomena's telling the truth or not. What matters is that we need to find out what's going on with the core cell." Wynton agreed and they all nodded.

"I'm sorry for shouting everyone. I guess I was just really mad about her lying. After I was actually starting to believe her and all." Dan apologised "It's okay, Dan. We were all starting to believe her and we're all mad too but being mad won't solve our problems." Shun said "You're right, Shun. Let's focus on the core cell from now on." He agreed "Right! What should we do now though?" Lia asked "Um, we could make sure Emily and Magnus are still alright?" Shun suggested "Yeah! Do you guys think Magnus will be awake?" Dan asked "Sounds like someone's really excited to see him again." Lia teased making Dan blush but he quickly covered it up.

"I-I'm not excited to see Magnus just concerned about him. He didn't really look that good before." He said "Well now that you mention it I am wondering if the doctors made him go back to sleep or if they helped him wake up." Wynton thought out loud "Here's an idea. Why talk about it when we can go see for ourselves?" Said Dan before running off down the corridor "Hey, Dan! Wait up!" Lia called out before setting off after her friend. "Don't forget about us!" Wynton and Shun both cried in unison, running off. When they arrived at the room, Dan stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Emily, like before, answered it "Oh, hi Awesome Ones!" She smiled at them "Are you done already?" "Yeah, we're done now, Emily." Dan smiled back "Great! Oh, um, do you guys mind if we talk out here?" The haos brawler whispered "Um, sure." They all moved outside the room as Emily silently closed the door behind her. "Emily? Mind telling us what that's all about?" Lia asked "Well it's just Magnus is awake but he's really tired so I don't want to disturb him, that's all." Emily explained "Okay I get it, Emily. But if Magnus is tired then why isn't he sleeping?" The pyrus brawler asked.

"Oh, the doctors told him that he needed to stay awake to eat something first because he hasn't had much." "Right, I get it now." Dan nodded his head in understanding "Dan, maybe we should go then." Wynton suggested "Huh? Oh yeah. Sure. See you later, Emily!" He replied. Emily walked back inside the room but not before saying, "Goodbye, AO." The Awesome Ones started walking to the exit of AAAnimus headquarters.

Sorry about the shorter chapter guys! The next will be a long chapter I PROMISE!!

Anyway hope u all enjoyed it :)

Bye! <333

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