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As soon as I entered the classroom every one quieted down I wonder what's up with that. I went to sit next to Alya but there was no room because Lila, the she-devil was sitting next to her trying to flirt with a rather down Adrien. Alya shot me and apologetic look, I just nod my head and look for a place to sit. And to my unfortunate fate the only room left is next to Zion the creep who threatened me without any reason. I don't know what is his problem all I have done is be nice to him.

"Hi, do you mind me sitting here..?" I ask him and he just shakes his head and moves over with a creepy smile. I shiver at that it just unnerves me, I don't know why. I just turn my head to the front as Mrs. Bustier just entered the class to start the lesson. I concentrate on the class and try to ignore how Zion is behaving with me.

~Trigger Warning~


Half way through the lecture I can feel Zion's fingers on my thigh. I shift a little to the left but he just grips my leg. I try to kick him and cause a scene but before I could do that he just smiles at me weirdly and passes me a piece of paper with something scribbled on it. I read it and I am stunned in shock. I can feel air leave my lungs and tears forming in my eyes.


The paper carries my biggest secrets of all I can't believe he knows I was so careful how?

When I was distracted I can feel his fingers going up my thighs. I just sit there stunned and suddenly the school bell rings startling me. Zion just smirks at me and says "I will be waiting ~love."

~Trigger Warning ENDING~

I just shudder at his words and blink away my tears seeing Alya approaching me.

"Hey girl are you ok? you seem pale." She asks in concern.

"I am ok Alya. I think I will go to the washroom I just feel sick. I will come soon don't worry." I say and run out the room.


The rest of the day went normal like usual but I was unerved the whole day. At lunch Alya tapped my shoulder to get my attention but I jumped. I can't wait to end this day. Right now I am on my to the back of the school to meet him.

I turned the corner and found Zion and Lila. I was so dumbstruck that I just stood there.

"Hey Mari-trash, it's nice of you to join us."

I come back from my stupor and approach them carefully.

"I am here what do you both want?"

"H-Hey easy there my WIFE. Is this how you treat our guests? She is a very useful ally for me love."

~Trigger Warning~

Zion approaches me casually and pins me to the wall while talking. I am stunned after he called me his 'WIFE', and what does he mean by ally?

"What do you mean?" I ask Zion quietly. then Lila approached us me still trapped and says.

"Oh poor Mari she doesn't understand a single thing.....Aaawww here let me tell you everything, where shall I start. Oh! I know let's start with your sudden marriage to save your parents bakery, if you still didn't understand you are going to marry Zion and leave my Adrien alone." She laughs at me, which is making me so sick I can't believe my predicament. A single tear drops from my eyes. I feel like everything is mocking at me.

"Why are you stopping just there Lila tell her about how we are in a mission together, for Shadow-moth." Zion cuts my reverie of thoughts.

"Shadowmoth.?" I ask shocked what can I do now?

"There is a way to come out of this situation if you just give your pretty jewellery to this lovely lady here." Says Zion.

"NO! Never!" I yell at his face.

"Hey is this how you will behave to your future" He says. I can feel his fingers inching near my waist and trying to touch me by my waist and I can feel his breath on my face. And Just like that he is kissing me and forcing me to kiss him back. I cry and try to push him back but he just slaps me across my face and forces me to stand still he then try's to touch me on my private places.

"STOPPP... PLEASE... STOP..." I cry out and he stops and he says.

"I will give you 2 days to think your about our offer surrender silently or by force... Bye love and thanks for the kiss." He then towards Lila and beckons her near and KISSSES her Infront of me. I can't believe them. He is not a crazy person who wants me is a psychopath.

~Trigger Warning ENDING~

They leave and I sink to the ground crying hard. What to do? I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I make my way back home after crying a bit.

"Ouch.....Oh hi Marinette!..Are...You ok?..." Someone bumped into me and I look up and to my surprise it's Adrien. In my misery I didn't notice where I was going.....

I look up at him and nod my head and turn towards the crossing to the bakery. I go through the back door leading straight to the apartment. I enter my room and collapse on my chaise and cry. I can hear Tikki come out of my purse and the other kwamis calling to me. I just block everything cry harder.



We are at my hotel room after leaving my broken toy back at school.

"Do you think she will come to know that we are not working for Shadow-moth and that we want her power?" I ask my lovely partner.

"Nah I don't think so. She is so scared to think that much. Now just shut up and make me scream partner~" she says to me seductively and I waste no more time and do what my lady wishes for.....











Hey fam I hope everyone is doing good I wanted to give all something intense therefore this chapter, after so long.

Ok so what happened was mari got a note to meet her at the back of the school from Zion and when she goes there she finds Lila along with him. Lila clarifies that mari is marrying zion and that they will tell shadow-moth that she is ladybug and that that they are on a mission sent by Sm. So they give her an option give up her miraculous willingly or by force in 2 days.

And that's a wrap for today.... I think you all understood what is happening and I didn't confuse everyone. This is my first time writing anything and so my first time writing this intense so do tell me how it is.

Pls share, comment and vote I need more reads and votes to keep me motivated, I am going through a rough time and your love and support keeps me good. So pls show your love...

love you all,

Until next time,

Yours Author Chan,

Jenny ;-)

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