At the condo
After dealing with pond,phuwin went straight to his condo
Others are waiting for him in the living room ,he came into the house and slammed the door shut
Phuwin sat on the sofa and was breathing heavily,he looked less angry
So calmly ,new asked
New:What happened,Winnie?
Phuwin:Well,i asked him about that things,he said he didn't send those ,turns out his secretary/close friend send those
Phuwin sighed and said
Phuwin:What can I do ?It's not practically his fault so I didn't speak another word ,just left from there
Krist sighed and continued :We don't have a choice right but can we atleast have more time?It is really hard to leave our previous life behind and enter into a new one with some stranger
New:What can we do ? Remember we already tried to ask for time but no Vail
Gun:We should have some support to ask for us ,we can't skip the choice but ask for time only
New:Then........How about we ask P'gulf for help ,may be he can ask time on behalf of us
Gun:Yes!Why didn't I have this thought earlier ,let me call him!
New:Call him to come here,things like these need need to be discussed here
Gun:Ok let me call him
With that he call gulf to come to his condo
Gulf said okay and ended the call
New and others prepared lunch for themselves and gulf ,their only relation
After sometime gulf entered the house with few soft drinks
The agents welcomed him whole heartedly
After settling down for a bit ,
Gulf :So what do you guys want to talk to about?Gun:Can we have lunch first?After then we can discuss ,it will be a long discussion
All nodded and had their lunch,throughout the lunch krist and new played a few jokes which in return gave a fits of laughter from others
After lunch,everyone settled at in the sofa of living room
Gulf:So,Now can I know what it is?
Gun:Sure and with that he started telling him how the Jongcheveevat brothers came looking for them and how their marriage was set with them and gifts from them
With a sigh gun ended the story
Gulf was fuming with anger :How dare they force you !Those bastards ,how can they threatened you ,let me deal with them and started getting up to go to them
Gun pulled him to the place by his wrist and continued:P' at first we were too so angry ,but they threatened us that if we didn't agree they will do something to our dream orphanage
Gulf knew how important the orphanage was to them ,it was their home ,he knew they would select their home in any kind of situations
Gulf took a deep breath calmed himself down and said:So what do you wanna do?
New:What can we do P' ,just agree to them !We will do anything to save our home
Gulf:Then what do you want me to do ?

Agents -Angels
RomanceThis is a story including the famous Thai bl actors It is a story between Mafia and secret agents Mew is a famous business man and a mafia emperor too ,even though most of the time his brothers handle his mafia business ,they were super rich as th...