At the condo
The question "Will you go on a date with me?" Will make any one go crazy ,coming from a handsome man
But the same question was making gulf frustrated,he didn't plan on getting mad
He wanted to help his nong's ,he also convinced himself not to get mad while having the discussion
But the whole conversation was changed
Gulf felt weird when he saw Mew,the said guy looked at him as he was some kind of food or something else
But the next sentence from Mew ,gulf is getting mad angry
Gulf took a deep breath and asked:I am sorry,what did you say?with a questioning eyes
Like,he just felt like his mind was playing tricks with him not the actual oldest Jongcheveevat brothers ,one of the top most CEO is asking him out
Mew smiled and said:Will you go on a date with me?
Gulf:Sorry but i am here for my nong's regarding their marriage issue and i am not interested on talking about my love life
Sorry,not sorry
Mew:Ok ,let talk about their issue first and then after let's talk about us ,pointed at himself and gulf
Gulf snickered and sighed
Gulf:I got to know about their marriage with your brothers,and they are left with no choice ,they only can think that they can ask you now is time
Give them some time to adjust before the Marriage,i don't know when is the marriage but i prefer that you could consider to extend it
Mew turned towards the agents and smiled:I can feel you are getting insecure feeling and must be feeling weird to marry a stranger ,trust me it will be a good thing and for the marriage ,i cant do anything ,it was scheduled day after tomorrow,that must be Friday ,all five of your marriages in one day
The agents felt ,like a heavy rock was fell upon them
They couldn't utter a single word
Gulf:May I ask why can't the marriages be scheduled further away?
Mew:Let's just say my brother's already made all arrangements for you guys to get married in America where my parents are settled,everything is done and also today i came to inform you about that thing ,also to let someone take your measurements for wedding suits
I will come again tomorrow to take you guys America
Gun:Isnt it a bit too much?Why can't you give us some time?asked furiously
Mew calmly:Gun,i know it must be hurting you and also i know it must be hurting to others too ,i am asking to give a chance with my brother's,they have never been serious in a relationship or love to the point that they introduced them to me
Let me tell you guys something,they never introduced anyone to me ,neither of any of my brother's actually did ,when they showed your pictures and told me about you,they had this spark in their eyes that,they will do anything to keep you safe and happy
Also ,in arrangements for wedding,they themselves actively took part,i couldnt break their happiness neither I would want to break your's
All I could say is just marry them at Friday ,that's it
Gulf:Ok,I understood where this is going,but you should be fair with my nong's too ,if you didn't want to break your brothers happiness ,doesn't mean you could force some other to accept a fact immediately
Mew:Fine,i cant move the wedding to another day but you guys can ask me for other things ,i promise to give them and also i will discuss with my brother's to give you guys perhaps two weeks time to adjust and pack your stuff to move to our house after the wedding,will that be ok?
All the agents except gulf nodded their head ,not able to change the fact of getting married
Gun:P' we want a promise from you
Mew:What is it?
Gun:We want to continue our jobs even after our marriage
Mew smiled and said:That won't be a big problem ,you guys can continue,i won't let my brother's decide your career ,that's for sure
All the agents sighed in relief ,atleast their job is safe
Mew:Will that be the end of our discussion ?
All the agents nodded
Mew turned towards gulf and said:Now can I get my answer?
Gulf:About what asked cluelessly
Mew:About date ?Will you go on a date with me
Gulf smiled sweetly to him,and took a gun from his back of waist band and pointed at him,with that action the body guards of mew took their gun's and pointed at gulf
Gulf didn't flinch at that,the other agents can't believe what was happening infront of them
Gulf : Usually,i am just a short tempered guy ,but i placed my all ego aside for my nong's and was ready to ask you something for them,and here you are asking me out?How dare you?Are you crazy or something?
Mew signalled his guards to put their gun's down,with that they placed their gun down but gulf didn't
Mew:I prefer to talk like a civilized person and i think you prefer that too
Gulf put his gun back at the original place
Mew:I am not asking you to marry me ,i am asking you for a date ,one date ,you may think of it as a blind date
Gulf:And what would I gain from it ?
Mew:You can find love
Gulf snickered and continued
Gulf:Fine i would go out with you ,when I felt that my nong's are ok with the after marriage things ,remember your brothers are still strangers to usMew:Fine i promise you to look after them
Gulf:When i feel ,they are comfortable ,i would go out with you
Mew:I would take care of them as a big brother and make them feel comfortable with their surroundings,you can rest assured but in return you have to go on dates with me for a month
Gulf smirked and said:Fine ,but i have two condition
1)I would go out after one month of their marriage
2)You would accept my answer whether it is okay or not about dating,clear if I reject you ,you have to accept it
Mew:Now that's the deal ,don't go back on your words
Gulf:I am a man of my words
Mew:Good to know ,got to go darling and byes nong's see you tomorrow
With that mew left,the agents were able to take a breath,they discussed a few points about their previous conversation
After a while,gulf also left
The agents gathered at the living room
Krist:We did drag P'gulf into this mess didn't we
All sighed and said :Yes in sync
Here is another chapter
Hope you enjoy it ☺️🙂
Updates will be soonNext chapter ,will contain wedding scenes ,a little spoiler
Thank your votes again

Agents -Angels
RomanceThis is a story including the famous Thai bl actors It is a story between Mafia and secret agents Mew is a famous business man and a mafia emperor too ,even though most of the time his brothers handle his mafia business ,they were super rich as th...