Likes: fighting darkness, watermelons, doing side quests, giving his light for the greater good
Dislikes: when people hold him back, anything he can't fight or rescue
Personally: too brave, kinda ignorant,Will literally freaking run at dark dragons aka krill and so he is banished from the golden wasteland and so he spends a lot of time in the woods burning dark plants and helping moths but out of boredom and rebelliousness he sneaks into lots of trouble. He is obsessed with looking as much like a knight in armor made from scales of light dragons (which are a made up species in his head (opposite of krill/dark dragons)). He is technically still mentally a kid but physically a teenager and acts exactly how you think a mentally childish teen boy would. His light burns a lot brighter then firefly's due to his nature and how he always lights up strangers and helps them out.