Chapter 21

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George's POV:

Bellatrix's grip on me is a huge amount of throbbing pain but I don't feel it when I look at y/n and Fred.

Fred is on the same side as me and I'm petrified that Bellatrix is going to walk me closer to the edge he's on and break the remainder of the bridge to send him falling.

I see another death-eater appear on y/n's side, I can't hear it but I know her breath is shaky, she's wounded with a knife in her arm but she's still holding on as long as she can.

She's going to fall any second.

But I can't make a decision.

" please... please leave them both" I beg.

Bellatrix laughs in the most evil way I've ever heard.

" take me instead"

" George no" y/n says extremely quietly.

The only part of her body on the bridge is her elbows as she continues to stay out but Fred has his torso on the ground, he can't pull himself up though or the bridge will crumble below him like thin ice.

" make a decision now or they'll both go" Bellatrix says and she's loving every second of it.

The death eater on y/n's steps closer to her and raises his foot to her weak arms, going to stomp on her grip any second, I cry out loud.

" are you really going to save whoever I choose?" I ask, of course I trust none of them.

" I solemnly swear" she says and I turn my face away from her evil grin, I don't think I want to hear those words again.

" please just take me instead" I say, in a heartbeat I would choose my two favourite people to live.

" oh but that's no fun" she says.

" George, I don't deserve you" y/n says and she still manages to crack the tiniest smile even though she could be in the middle of dying.

" No" Fred objects, " mate if you choose me I won't forgive you"

" Fred" I say out loud, I shake my head, I want to save them both.

Fred is family, my best mate, my other half, my shadow. We do everything together, we have plans together.

But I'll never meet anyone as beautiful and incredible as y/n, no one will ever be able to make me feel half the way she does. She was the one who warned us about this war.

" George he's your brother" y/n says like it should be an obvious choice.

The two of them encouraging me to choose the other brings tears of pure gratefulness to my eyes, my face is covered is wet and my tears makes my sight of them go blurry and I wish for it to fade into darkness. I want to wake up in clouds of sunshine and look down on them both living.

But I'm still here.

" I love you both" I say out loud to them both, Bellatrix's hand around my neck nearly strangles and I'm tempted to continue to let her so I can be greeted with death.

" I love you too" y/n says and I think she expected her and Fred to say it at the same time as we both exchange surprised faces.

She begins crying too and I look at her with pure joy, it's the words I've been desiring to hear for a long, long time.

" I love you, now choose Fred" she says fiercely, she's hoping I love her enough to listen to her.

" George" Fred says, he looks up at me directly in the eyes.

" you're always going to love me brother"

" but you're never going to love another girl the way you do y/n" he says.

I get a headache from the constant crying, I look down on my twin and telepathically we exchange looks and words of thankfulness.

I don't have the words to say anything except the ever lasting bawl that escapes my lips in the next second.

" in another lifetime buddy" Fred says grinning at me.

He lets go of his grip himself and falls back, no matter how fast I am to sprint to the edge he's already fallen and he doesn't scream.

I look down until I can't see him anymore and Bellatrix pulls me to my feet before deciding to push me back onto the stone cold ground.

I hear y/n whimper in pain and on my side I watch her be lifted up from the bridge but when she's on her feet she collapses.

I hear a familiar voice tell her move out of the way as zapping of spells take place behind me, I close my eyes and don't look, I let them shut to the sound of ringing in my ears.


I wake up in a hospital bed with my parents looking over me, their faces light up with joy when they see my now open eyes.

Mum cries and makes a praying gesture before ruffling my long, shaggy hair and then giving me a kiss on the cheek.

" I thought we lost you too" she cries, dad puts a supporting arm over her but by his eyes I can tell he's been crying too.

When I wake up and hear her spoken words I realise this all wasn't a bad dream.

But it is a nightmare, I'm living in a world without my Freddie.

" where is y/n? Is she okay? And Harry? Is Voldemort defeated?" I ask.

" Harry is fine and Voldemort is gone" Mum says as she strokes my face.

My heart beats rapidly, " and y/n?"

Dad smiles and they both move out of the way, letting y/n past, her arm is in a cast.

She lets out a breathless sigh when she sees me awake and instantly hugs me one armed, burying her head in my neck I hear her cry softly.

I'm lied down so I sit up so I'm capable of hugging her back.

We hug for a long amount of minutes when she sits on the bed close to me, I reach out and hold her hand, she desperately stares into my eyes.

" I don't want to talk about it" I tell her softly, I know she's feeling sorry for me, and I can't hear her sympathy without sobbing again.

She nods understandingly.

" I've always loved you" she shares and I smile.

" tell me more about that" I say quietly, I'm completely broken but so is she. And hearing her tell me her feelings which I didn't know before will always make me happy.

We play with each other's hands as they don't sit still, we don't have them held normally, its like we can't have enough of each other's touch.

" everybody noticed me in Beauxbatons and I hated it, because you were the only one that noticed me in Hogwarts and that felt right"

I blush at her word and can't help the grin on my face.

" Im always going to love you George Weasley" she says with a squeeze of my hand.

I look at her with adoration as I imagine my life with her.

" I swear if you ever run away again I'm going to kill you"  I say chuckling at my own far fetched thoughts.

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