meet Phil

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Damien won't admit it but it was quite nice to get things off his chest. Saying things out loud gave him a clearer picture. And true to his words, Butters didn't say a thing unless asked. Though Damien clearly noticed the blondes reactions. A bright bouquet of feelings reaching from surprised to shocked and from annoyed to disgusted. Damien had layed everything on the table, and it felt good.

"See, that wasn't so bad now, was it?" Butters asks with one of his disgustingly sweet smiles. The demon prince looks sceptical at the other while thinking of what to do with this Situation. Then a idea forms. The demon holds out his hand. "You won't tell anyone any part of what I said to you. In return, I won't hurt you.",  he demands. Butters blinks but ultimately agrees and grabs Damiens hand. "I won't say any of it. You have my word." Damien smirks as a blue flame flares up around their locked hands. Butters, horrified, tries to pull away. But their hands seem to be glued together. "Relax, I won't hurt you." Damien says, neglecting to add "Pip won't forgive me if I did." The blonde stops pulling and the flame shrinks in size until it is gone. Then they let go. Butters looks in disbelieve at his not-burned hand. "Congratulations. You just made a deal with the prince of hell." Damien says smugly. "A Deal, was that really necessary? I mean, oh boy, you do have trust issues, man." the smaller one is, at the same time, surprised and not surprised about this extreme solution Damien takes. Anyhow, Butters decides it is not worth argueing over. In the end, the blonde never planed to talk about Damiens feelings anyway.
"So, will you do next about Pip and that soul?", the shorter boy asks. Yeah, good question. "Ah the soul. That Bastard threatened to Do samething drastic to get attention. I have to stop that or else my father and the big guy get a notification. My status as future lord of hell is on the line. Everything I have worked hard on and endured in these past years will be for nothing. So I have no other option and have to call the only one who can help me." Damien is anxious to reveal Phil. Butters is slightly impressed " You actualy trust someone? You must be close." This feels weird to Damien but since Butters listened to him and was tricked into making that deal, Damien feels more comfortable. "Yes, you could say he is very special to me. No,  he really is. He might be the only one I ever fully trusted. We met right after I left Southpark all those years ago and we have been inseperable ever since." The demon prince wanted to elaborate even more but was suddenly interrupted. He didn't even notice the newly arrived presence in the house. "I can't believe you! All these years I thought,  I hoped and prayed, that I had managed to come somewhat close to you. And some Day you would,  maybe.... Now, here you are! Saying you turned your back and never looked back. Was I so easy to replace for you? Did.. our time together.. mean nothing to you?" Pips voice was breaking as tears stained his face. Rising emotions make Damien panic. "N-no! You got it all wrong. Let me explain. He is special to me, but so are you! It's just...a different Kind of special." Damien is dancing around those words that are so dangerous. He can't sag it but Pip seems to get it wrong all over again. "Ahrg! Fuck it! You win, ok? You meet him so you will unterstand!" Damien swallows his pride and embarassment in hopes to calm Philipp. Even thought Damien believes they should stay apart, He doesn't want Philipp to think poorly of him. "Why would I want to meet yo-" Before Pip could finish, Damien bit his finger and drew a pentagram on the floor. Then He interrupts the other one to finish the summoning. "Come to me!" He yells, followed by a massive wave of smoke. As the two blondes cough Damien gets thrown to the ground and covered in kisses. "No! Stop that! I told you to make a cool entrance when I summon you! Stop!" The smoke clears but Philipp and Butters are unable to believe their eyes. Damien, prince of fucking hell sits there on the floor, laughing while scolding a black dog as big as a golden retriver. They wouldn't dare say it out loud, but like this, the prince of hell looks like a careless, cute guy. Damien finaly notices the missing protective smoke and quickly gets up. With tinted cheecks he coughs once to compose himself. Then He gives a sharp order, that the dog quickly follows. "Sit. So. Philipp, this is...the guy I was talking about. His Name is... Phil." Butters feels like a intruder on a love story. Philipps cheeks brighten in colore. Then He takes in the apearance of the dog. It has short black furr that is softer that expected. It has big blue eyes that make you feel like you are looking into the ocean. It doesn't look like a breed Pip has ever seen."He is beautiful." is all He manages to say as He realises how stupid He must have looked. "He reminded me of you. Uh well, he is a hellhound. A special breed in hell. He was the smallest and weakest amongst the pups but I like to think that I managed to unlock his petencial. Now, he is the strongest." Damien and Pip lock eyes for a moment. "A-anyway, I tried to avoid getting Phils help but things are escalating here so I need him to find that soul." Damien wastes no more time and brings two finger to his forehead. He focuses on his encounter with the target. The smell, the look, the voice, the scarlet shimmer, all things Phil has to look out for. While the demon pulls his finger from his forehead a black mist follows, coming right from his head. "W-what is that?" Butters asks. "You could say this is my memory of that soul. All that I have to identify it. Here, boy. Find me this one."  Damien brings the mist in front of Phil,  who greedily sniffs up all of it. After a sneeze Phil starts sniffing the air.

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