_//\\-"Everyone Is Gone"-//\\_

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TW: Blood
Paintbrush POV
I Ran into my Art Room, Then Quickly Turning to my Closet. I Shuddered At What I descried. Everyone else's bodies were piled up on the ground, Blood splattered Around Them.
Lightbulb Hugged Fan, turning him away Every time he tries To See.
3rd Person POV
"Hey PB, isn't This YOUR Art Room? And isn't This is YOUR Art Closet?" Microphone Crossed her arms, "The Killer must've placed It There to Frame me!" Paintbrush Objected. "It could be Knife and Trophy y'know." The Cherries Said
"What?! I'm not Insane!" Trophy Answered, "M-M-Maybe It's M-M-Mi-ic" Bomb added.
"What?! I Can't Carry Baseball for One whole Second!" Mic Yelled. And soon The room was Full of Arguing Yells and Accusations.
"EVERYONE SHUT, UP!" The room went Silent. No one dared to Utter a word. "C'mon guys give him some space.." Paper Mumbled, Everyone Agreed and went to their separate Groups. I sighed, paper held my hand, Squeezing it gently. "Now let's do something about this."
Microphone POV
I slowly turned my Gain, Slowly Until I Heard An Familiar British Voice. Shit this is gonna be Awkward i cleared my throat, "..Taco?." "MI-Mic?? I already Heard What Happened, And I Have a Plan to Get You ALL out of there."

I Grinned, "You-You Can!?" "Yes Mic, That is What I Said." I facepalmed myself, "right right, alright! How do we get out of here."

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