*„"An Colorful Red."„*

221 7 1

Next Day
TW: Blood,
Paintbrush POV
Fan sat right Next Lightbulb, Who kept Saying Countless Worries With an Sad Smile Put on. Fan just stayed Silent, Playing with his fingers as He Slightly bobbed his head side to side, I Sighed. "Alright, I'm gonna go get some Canvases, Lightbulb, Please look out for yourself and Fan." She nodded Gladly at Me.

I Left The room, Rushing Through the Hallways.

I Slowly Entered The Art Room, Ambling to the Closet, The Bodies Are Gone? I Shook away The Thought, Then Grabbing The Canvases, I Held exactly 4 In My Arms.

As I Reached the Front of The Door, I Felt an Shove Behind me, Making me Yelp as I Hit The Carpet Face First. I Felt An Painful Cut on my Left Arm, I Screamed as Tears Dropped Down to the Ground. I Heard Several Footsteps Everywhere, W-Wait..Where's My... my eyes closed. Plain Black.


When You Have f2f Class Tmr: 🤡🔫
But It's an Half Day: 👏😳
But You have to Pick Up your little brother:😳🤞
His Classes are Shorter Than Yours: 😎
When you want to continue Adding More But That's just it:👹👺👻🤛🤜👊🤛🤜👀🗣👀🗣😵👹👺💀👽🤖👾🎃
(Someone help me with the Chapter Title please—)

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