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*ring ring*

Louis reached for his phone. Just before Harry burst into the room.

"Who's that!" Harry demanded an answer

"It's just uh- Niall"

"Niall? Who's Niall!!"

"H-he's j-just my friend"

"Friend? You don't need anyone more than me! What is it huh? Am I not good enough for you?!" Harry was fuming.


Harry stormed out of the room, he opened a press taking out 4 pills.

"Here take these."


"They'll make you feel better."

"B-but I feel fine?"

"No. No you don't. You look horrible. Take them"



Louis looked up at Harry, fear present on his face. Harry's expression softened.

"Trust me, they will take all your suffering away. I promise"

Louis took the pills.

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