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Louis is not okay. The pills are supposed to take the pain away right?

Why is he hurting so much then.

His whole body is aching. He is hoping Harry will come in the room soon. Harry takes his pain away. Always.

Louis hears the door open, but he's in to much pain to turn to look at him. So he just hums which turns into a groan from the intense pain.

"Lou bae. I'm going to give you this needle okay? It will take all your pain away"

"You always say that Haz, I'm sick of it-" Louis is cut off from a groan before continuing "I'm done with the meds"

"Louis" Harry sighs "this is the last bit of medication I will ever give you, trust me you will never be in any pain ever again after this"

Louis face lights up for a second before he scrunches it back up in pain.


"Yes love, ready?"

"Yes yes yes!!"

Harry pushes the needle in his right arm.

"Ill see you in another life Lou"

"W-what?" Louis breathes. He sucks In a breath, but inhales no oxygen.

"I said I'll make all your pain go away" Harry smiles
"I did it!"

Louis opens his mouth, but can't form a sound

"Shhh lou, go to sleep, you'll be okay-

I cross my heart and hope to die"

Louis closes his eyes, his breathing comes to a soothing stop. Harry smiles his eye drops a single tear before grabbing the gun, slowly raising it.

"I'll see you soon Lou, I promise"

He pulled the trigger.

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