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     "THOUGH NONE QUITE as inviting as the Bridgertons." Lumley spoke. "My mothers been wanting to come and enjoy another tea at the Bridgerton House for some time, my lord."

"Well, we must gratify your wish, Lumley. Speaking of refreshments, I could not help but notice the ladies are without." Antony said.

Kate rolled her eyes lightly. "We are quite content, thank you."

"It is an unseasonably hot day, and any gentleman would make sure-"

Lumley stood from his seat, towering over Edwina. "Miss Edwina, allow me to fetch you some lemonade."

Edwina nodded in thanks."That would be most agreeable. Thank you, my lord."

When Lord Lumley left, Antony decided to climb over the row in front of the girls, taking the seat that Lumley had just been sat in. Squished between Edwina and Ophelia.

"It is a splendid day for a race." Antony smiled in victory as he managed to get near Edwina without Ophelia or Kate pushing him away.

It has been a fair few minutes before Ophelia pointed something out. "It appears Lord Lumley has gotten himself lost on his journey back from the lemonade stand."

"I am happy to search for him." Mr Dorset spoke.

"It was the Viscount who insisted on refreshments. Perhaps he might go?" Antony looked at Ophelia, having his attention drawn away from Edwina.

"With the race set to begin?" He chuckled.

"Which one is your pick, my lord?" Edwina asked.

"Nectar." He replied, ignoring Kate's hushed whisper of her sisters name. "Well-bred, highly trained, and well-favoured."

Ophelia scoffed lightly, mumbling under her breath. "Nectar, really?"

Antony had heard the girl. "Yes. I have a feeling about him."

"A feeling." She mumbled again.

"Pardon me?"

"You simply chose the horse everyone else has chosen. Quite a feeling, my lord."

"I made a strategic bet."

"Oh, so you've considered your horse's temperament, as well as the conditions of the track, in order to properly assess it's true potential?"

Edwina, sensing the tension between the two, attempted to change the topic. "It is suddenly feeling rather warm, is it not?"

Her words went ignored. "Nectar is a prized steed."

Dorset also joined, feeling as though Ophelia's attention had been taken away from him. "Perhaps we should find a little more shade."

"Nectar ran well at Doncaster, but that was a firmer course." Ophelia replied to Antony. "The weather was much cooler. This his size was an advantage. Today the track is soft, and it is hot, meaning he will struggle to make headway, overheat and slow down during the final leg, giving High Flyer, a much swifter, lighter, cooler horse, the victory."

Antony paused after she spoke. "You think to much about it."

"And you, too little."

Suddenly Lord Lumley had returned, carrying a few cups of lemonade. "My apologies for the delay."

Dorset shook his head. "Not to worry. Lord Bridgerton has been keeping us entertained."

"I am quite certain he has." He said, watching the Viscount take both glasses, meant for himself and Edwina.

"There is plenty of room, my lord." Kate smiled.

Everyone shuffled up as much as they could, Kate allowed Lumley to sit in between herself and her sister so he could be closer to Edwina. Ophelia let out a soft huff when Antony brushed up against her, a little too closely. The two looked at each other. 

The Hall girl looked at Antony once again, this time in his own eyes, he stared right back at her. A comfortable but tense silence fell over the pair.

The memory slipped through Ophelia's mind. Back to last season in Somerset House where they had stumbled upon a painting of her mother. The look they had held in that moment had made the girls heart race.

The bell suddenly ran, signaling the start or the race while also pulling Ophelia and Antony out of their stare. People began to stand from their seats, Ophelia and Antony being some of the loudest cheers in the crowd. Ophelia had even begun to whistle for her horse, making Antony look at her in confusion but with a hint of admiration. In the end, High Flyer had won and that put a triumphant smile on Ophelia's face.

"I must say, I have never bested a Viscount before. Beating you feels the same as any other win but somehow smells sweeter."

Edwina once again tried to change the topic. "Kate, does Nectar not remind you of the beloved horse I used to adore?"

Antony offered the girl his arm. "I'll take you down to see him."

"Excellent idea." Lumley sighed.

Dorset walked beside Ophelia. "Miss Hall, I must ask, why do you jab at Lord Bridgerton so?"

Ophelia looked at him. "If the Viscount is serious about courting Miss Edwina, I feel as though it is my duty to try his mettle. If it was not myself, it would be Miss Sharma."

"The Viscount does not like to lose. He's never stomached it, even back at Oxford." Ophelia turned to him. "Oh. Miss Hall, I-"

"You and the Viscount know each other from Oxford? I thought you met today."

"I have said too much." He spoke, trying to cover up his mistake. 

The girl gave him a harsh look. "You are going to say much more this very moment."

The man licked his lips. "He thought you'd judge me if you knew we were acquaintances. But I must assure you that my interest in you today was genuine-"

"Genuine in the sense you were sent here to distract me, all so Lord Bridgerton could get closer to Miss Edwina." She walked away from him, her eyes on Antony.

Edwina turned to Ophelia. "Oh, is it dreadful, Ophelia. They say Nectar is to be sent to the knacker's yard."

Kate had noticed the murderous look on Ophelia's face, focused entirely on Antony. "I think it is time for us to leave, sister."

"I agree." Ophelia replied as calm as she could.

Antony scoffed. "I've heard of a sore loser, Miss Hall, but never a sore winner."

"Do not speak to me or Miss Edwina, ever again."

"What as happened?" Edwina asked.

"It seems a second game was afoot today, and Lord Bridgerton made certain I play the fool." 

Kate gently grabbed the girls arm. "Let us go."

Edwina sighed as her sister and friend walked away, one attempting comfort and the other seething with anger. 

"I meant no harm." Antony said to her. "I only wanted to spend time with you."

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