Analean Johnson

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Status update: I've been in this stupid hospital for FIVE days. I'm bored. The food sucks, I'm lonely, and I think I'm dying. Literally. I swear someone is paying the hospital just to keep me here.

On the sixth day of being stuck in a stupid hospital bed, a nurse came in with my parents and Stanley.

"You're okay to leave now, Analean. We just have to unhook you and off you go!"

'Thank God,' I thought as I stuck my arm out for the nurse to take the IV out. After what seemed like forever, the nurse finally helped me stand.

"May I suggest one thing?" The nurse called out as I was walking away. I turned to face her. "Maybe you should brush your hair, apply makeup, you know, before you leave?" I blushed, murmured a thank you and ran into the nearest bathroom. My parents and brother waited patiently for me to finish.

"Finally. Why do girls take forever to do basic morning chores?" Stanley said to me as I walked out of the bathroom.

"It matters to girls. At least we don't walk out of the house looking like we were hit by a truck going 110 miles an hour," I shot back.

"Thank you so much," my mom said hurriedly as she pushed my brother and I out the door. She pulled us by our earlobes. Yes, it's meant for little kids, but it works on teenagers too! As we got in the car, my parents and brother sat silently. It was like they knew something I didn't.

"Sooooooooooo..." I drew out the word, hoping one of my parents would start a conversation. Silence. Drat. "Why so silent?" I tried again. All I got was a cough from Mom and Stanley cleared his throat. I sighed. "Seriously? Nothing? Hey, AJ, how's your wrist? Oh! Yeah, it's fine, thanks for asking. AJ, want to go get real food since you've been stuck with bloody hospital food for the past five days? Of course! Thanks for asking. Wanna know the homework for the past five days? Well, yeah. Thanks. For. Asking." I spit, forcing as much sarcasm as I could into my words. An awkward silence filled the car. Then Mom spoke.

"We're almost home. Just relax until I park the car." With that, I was left with the same thing I started with.

I sighed heavily and crossed my arms over my chest. "Yeah, great to be back," I muttered under my breath. We sat in silence for the rest of the ride home. When the car stopped, I opened the door to the car and got out. I slammed it as hard as I could with my left hand (my right hand was still in a cast) and hurried to unlock the front door. I threw my keys across the room and skipped two steps at a time up to my room. I slammed that door too. 'Yeah, I'm upset. Let my parents know. Whatever.' I picked up my headphones and placed them over my head, turning the music up as loud as possible. I closed my eyes, the music drowning out my thoughts.

-------------2 hours later-----------------

I feel a jolt on my shoulder. As I look up, it takes me a moment to register who is standing in front of me. I couldn't recognize him at first. He looked completely different from when I last saw him. And he was attractive. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not. But I was one hundred percent positive about who it was.

It was Aaron.


Hey guys!

Just wanted to say that this chapter is dedicated to my best friend We_ship_it_ cause it's her birthday today! Yay! 🍰🍰🍰🎂🎂🎂😁😁😁🎈🎈🎈😃😃😃😜😜😜😘😘😘
I'll try to update soon.
Thanks you shanks!


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