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Skip this if you don't care for author rambles because this will be a... random one so to speak.

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So, I have actually sworn never to write a hero/villain type book again since I thought it wasn't my genre and I didn't really want to write something so "niche" so to speak. I have a list of stories I want to write and they keep being shunted with new ideas I get randomly that just take a hold of me like I'm being held hostage. I didn't expect the new idea that would take me hostage would be another hero/villain story.

But why? How did this happen? If you have sworn off it, what made you make this?

I blame the CW's leaked script of the Powerpuff Girls. Let me explain.

People obviously made videos and hot takes on Twitter and all the crevices of the internet and I loved the show as a kid so I obviously was invested in this as well. Hell, I watched the whole original show in high school on one boring summer break. But there was one comment that kept being repeated that piqued my interest. They should've just adapted a fanfic called "More than Human" or something similar to it.

Joy, are you saying that you got inspired by a fanfic?


But obviously, there was more to it. I love the story but it could've been gayer. Also, more exploration of certain aspects that I wondered about such as "Don't they cringe over their group name? Like if I had to go around introducing myself with a name I made up when I was a kid, I would be so embarrassed" or "holy shit, they're literal weapons why are they allowed to use their powers so freely?" Like I didn't need them to be answered anywhere but I tend to overthink and question whenever I really like something. Gives me something to obsess over.

I had this built-up energy and I was craving for more so I was going to fucking write it. Might as well do something as I waited for the next chapter of the fanfic which could take literal years. The question was the theme and concepts for the main characters themselves. I had really bad sleep for six days since this literally kept me up at night. I could not relax until I cracked the code. I didn't want to rip off the classic "sugar, spice and everything nice" but I did like the idea of childhood rhymes, stories, fables etc. being turned into this hero concept. Spent so many days just Googling children's tales that would've been recognizable but still fun enough to play with dynamic-wise.

On the seventh-day, I got it. Tortoise and the hare. Amazing. Don't know why I couldn't have thought of it earlier but I'm glad I got it.

So, I wrote a chapter of the backstory of the two superpowered people as kids and I went on to write them as teens and the tortoise hated me. Some authors say that characters become sentient and will write the story itself. This one was sentient and wanted to overthrow me as a writer. He didn't like my decision to be a girl and making the story a sapphic romance. He insisted he was a man. Fine, I wanted to make this story queer no matter what so I compromised and made him a trans man. No big deal. I continued writing and he complained about me writing this story with a romance subplot and that was one thing I had to ignore him for constantly.

It went on to the point where that character and he would appear whenever I got stuck writing. So, I have to admit this book is "co-written" with that character, Sheldon. I'm not putting it on the cover though but I do want to mention that.

So, what was the point of this foreword you may ask?

I just wanted to ramble about how weird this project has been for me and it's still weird. It gets weirder each time I write a new chapter.

If you are new to my works/profile. Hi there. This story is actually in the same universe as another story I've written called "Kill Them with Kindness" and it's a more slice of life style of book with the diary format that actually is posted only on Tapas. This story currently is also on Tapas with 20+ chapters already available if you're super excited for this story and want to get faster updates.

Anyways, that's all for now and hope you are doing well wherever you are.

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