Flowers pt2

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Basic info
Solon makes a flower crown out of the flowers heli gives him and one day heli finds him wearing it so he goes and gets him more the boys later find out he wears them to hide his ears after the full moon and become extreamly over protective of him always carrying around something Solon can use to cover his ears in case the crown flies off and not hesitating to protect him

"You like flower crowns" heli asked while he was in solons room it was just him and Solon in there Shion Jino and Noa were out doing who knows what Jaan and Jakah were out on a date at the square and heli had found a small flower crown made out of the flowers he had given Solon "yea they are nice and pretty they also are a fast way to cover my ears sometimes I don't like looking at them " Solon said a slight blush on his cheeks Heli went over to him and put the crown on him "you should wear them more often" Heli said to him the next day Heli went out to buy Solon a few other flower crowns that had different colors and even attempted to make one for him and after that Solon decided to wear one outside his room for once

"Solon nice crown" Jino said once he saw him in the hallway seeing as his room was close to solons "thanks Jino H Heli got it for me" Solon said with a slight stutter the flowers were simple and blue but it was cute "awww well now I know what to get you for our birthday" jino said then both boys went on with their days with Solon receiving compliments from the rest of the boys and Jino might have threatened someone for making a joke about it "Solon you going to nightball tonight" Jakah asked after school ended since Solon had started going to watch them more and to watch over jakah and Noa whenever Jaan or heli were busy "ummm not tonight sorry Jakah and Noa" he told them looking down at his lap Jakah and Noa both started winning since Jino would also be with them which meant Jino wasn't going to be able to watch over them and Shion was never trusted with watching over them "I wish I could but it's kind of a umm it's kind of a full moon tonight" Solon said leaning over to hide his face in helis shoulder everyone went quiet while heli stroked Solons hair even though they had taken the news of him being a werewolf quite well it still made him shy to admit things like that

"I'll go watch after Jakah Noa and Jino Shion you should go to practice with them" jaan said Jakah jumped out of his seat and hugged him repeatedly saying thank you "anything for you Solon are you going to be ok" Jaan asked Solon who had now moved onto helis lap "yea I'll be fine it doesn't hurt or anything" he said the rest of the boys knew heli would be on stand by if Solon needed anything during the night so they stopped pushing it and decided to tease jaan for how wipped he was for jakah although the same could've been said about Heli

The next day Solon took a bit longer to leave his room and he once again wore a flower crown this time a teal one with slightly bigger flowers once again he hung out with Jino and Jaan during a free period in which the rest had class they were walking to a small clearing that was at a mid point between the nightball field and the actual building they were just in when the crown flew off Solons head Solon was just frozen in place "Solon what's wrong" Jaan asked To which the response was Solon running away in the direction the were heading "Jino go after him I'll go get heli I'll tell him to open the link to know where you are" jaan said before taking off running in the direction of the classrooms

Jaan bumped into heli in the hallway "what's wrong" heli asked once he saw the state he was in "Solon took off running after his flower crown flew off with his hands on his head I sent Jino after him" Jaan explained heli took his hand and started running "Jino where are you" Heli asked through the link "in the clearing we always go to Solon refuses to come out from behind a tree" jino replied Jaan was still waiting on an explanation "Solon gets wolf ears during the duration of the full moons and doesn't like that they stick out that's why he wears flower crowns he also likes them but on days like these it's to hide the ears" Heli explained to Jaan before they got to the clearing

"I got you another crown" heli said taking a flower crown from his bag Solon poked his head out from behind the tree upon hearing Helis voice and left his spot "aren't you supposed to be in class" he asked going over to him "It got cancelled so did Jakahs class so he's also on his way" heli said taking Solons hand and pulling him over to the tree to sit down Solon instantly went on his lap Heli started softly patting Solons back to try to calm him down "they saw my ears" Solon said to Heli or well mumbled since he was hiding his face "It's ok you don't have to be ashamed" heli said to him and reached up to his hands

"I'm right here do you want to show them the ears I promise they won't hate you" Heli asked everyone was aware of how Solon was still a bit scared about them knowing about his werewolf side "yes" Solon said a bit scared of their reaction Jino smiled at the ears and went over to them "can I touch them" he asked Solon just shyly said yes heli laughed he knew how much Solon ADORED when he got head pats or when heli softly pet his ears so it wasn't a surprise when Solon leaned into the touch that just caused heli to laugh even more "Jino move over a bit Solon I think the ears are cute don't be ashamed of them and don't worry we will help you hide them from others" Jaan said patting his head the second he stopped Solon looked over at Jino hoping he got the message Jinos face light up and he instantly went over "THEYRE SO SOFT... sorry they also make you sensitive to noise don't they" Jino screamed apologizing right after realizing that the ears might make Solon sensitive to noise because of the pained face he had made when Jino screamed "yea but keep doing what you were doing before Jaan came I like it and thanks Jaan "Solon said laying his head on Jinos lap

"What's going on" the others asked once they got there seeing Solon with his head on Jinos lap for once instead of Helis while the other 2 worked on a project "Solon let Jino touch his ears and we discovered he likes head pats and when people run their hands through his hair or touch his ears" Jaan said Jakahs eyes widened and he went over to Solon asking if he could also pet his ears Solon was happy at the attention he was getting and at the fact that the others were so accepting

A few months go by and the full moon comes around "ok if you need anything during the night go to me ok it's a full moon remember kids put something in your bag that could cover Solons ears if anything were to happen Shion and Jino remember that they also make him sensitive to noise" Jaan reminded them Solon was in his room since earlier taking a nap since he knew sleep wouldn't be an easy thing for a couple of days "as usual I'm keeping the link open all night with him just in case remember he doesn't get much sleep during these nights either " Heli said Jino looked over at the window to see the moon starting to appear

"He's a bit more comfortable with you guys now don't worry he's oki opened the link earlier when he took a nap " Heli said putting a hand on Jinos shoulder he was one of the most worried ones when he found out and had been constantly asking Heli about him and heli could tell that Jino was worried about him "you should also sleep for a bit I know you stay up all night with him" Jaan said to heli having him be a year younger meant that Jaan saw how tired Heli was in the morning even after a single night seeing as he would over use his ability "I'll sleep once I know he's ok and with either you Jakah or Jino" heli said to Jaan who just looked at him "your coming home early tomorrow I'll have Jino and Jakah stay with him and you are going to sleep" Jaan said to heli before the boys settled down to watch a movie

"Jino Solon didn't sleep at all last night please make sure he's ok" heli said the next day Jino looked up at the older "you should sleep for a few hours as well I overheard Jaan yesterday so don't worry I'll take care of Solon you get some rest ok" jino said smiling waiting on Solon to return while heli left "once classes are done I'll pray Jakah isn't on leader mode and lets me sleep"Heli said as he walked out the door "EVEN IF I AM ON LEADER MODE THOSE EYE BAGS ARE NOT DESIGNER YOU ARE SLEEPING LEE HELI!!"the younger screamed back causing Jino to burst into laughter to the point of crying

Eventually Solon walked in wearing a little flower crown Jino realized as the one he had gifted him "ight puppy come here"


This was supposed to be out last week so haha double update this week I guess.

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