Megumi.. he- he's gone..

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The wind slashes violently at the trees, and the rain hits the ground with a 'splat' like sound.

Now..why is it that today is such a gloomy day?

That would be because someone has died recently

You may be wondering 'who is so important that even Mother Nature is

To answer your question that person is yuuji itadori.

Who IS yuuji itadori? Yuuji itadori Is an amazing son, grandchild, and student. but most of all an amazing friend..

Drip.. Drip.. Drip.. Drip-


"Hey fushigoru! How are you today?"

"Ah, hello, I'm good you?"

"DOING GREAT! man I can't wait to train with panda and the others!"

"That makes two of us!"

"Oh! Nobara! I thought you were sick?"

"Nooo I'm fine! See?" Nobara opened her arms

"Go back to bed"

"Ehhhh but fushigoru I'm not sick!"

"Yes you are, you just want to see maki-senpai"



"Megumi?" Someone Is taping my shoulder.. who is it?

"Me~gu~mi~" ahh, please let it not be gojo sensie..I'm not in the mood

"MEGUMI!" Why are they shouting..?

"Yeah..?" I slowly turn my head and- oh, it's nobara..

"What do you want?"

"It's time.."


"Yeah.. you... spaced out" nobara is sitting next to me.. get up.. that's where HE would sit.

"Well thank you, nobara" HE is gone get a grip megumi

"Umm.. I'd you don't mind me asking. What were you thinking about?"

"..remember the first time you fell sick, but you wanted to see maki-senpai so bad you denied it, and passed out, and we had to carry you back to your dorm?" Why can't we be like that again?

"Ah, I- yes I remember"

Why does she look like she'll cry? Is it because I brought up maki-senpai? But she's alive..? Oh- OH. Ahhh shit I messed up- maki didn't return her feelings.. I shoul-

"Hey megumi.."


"Did you know that both you and itadori share the same moon...?"

"What..we, share the same moon?"

"Yeah..shocker right? Well.. not really, you guys ARE meant to be"

"If we were meant to be he wouldn't be gone...forever.."

"...We need to go or we'll be late. Come on"




The way itadori laughs is so adorable..

"What are you thinking about fushigoru?"

 He's gone.. (itafushi angst) Where stories live. Discover now